So I advise to always review all of your boarding passes when they are issued at check-in so that you’ll know what to expect. Does Global Entry or TSA Pre-Check prevent SSSS? Unfortunately,Global Entrydoes not prevent you from receiving SSSS on your passport. Plenty of people, including ...
Have you ever noticed ‘SSSS’ written on your boarding pass? And noticed that with those 4 S’s your travel day might have been impacted with additional screening? SSSS stands for ‘Secondary Security Screening Selection’, basically if you see this on your boarding pass, you will re...
Unfortunately, you will find an SSSS on boarding passes on both domestic and international flights. It is more common on flights that arrive into the United States, but can happen for flights within the United States as well. The SSSS will not appear on flights to international destinations. ...
If you are ever selected for additional screening via this method, youwon’tbe able to print or get your boarding pass at home. In my case, I was flying from Poland to Frankfurt and onward to Seattle and I was able to check-in all the way to Seattle but was only able to print/get...
An "SSSS" on your boarding pass can be random, but means you’ll be subject to a more comprehensive TSA screening.
What does “SSSS” on a boarding pass stand for? “SSSS” stands forsecondary security screening selection. I’m not sure if the TSA came up with the abbreviation first and then came up with words to justify it, or if it was the other way around. Simply put, an “SSSS” on your bo...
Generally, after check in at the airport counter,travelers would pick up the boarding passes from ground crew and there usually be your name,airplane number,departure date and seat number on it. 通常在机场柜台Check in后,旅客就会从地勤手上拿到登机证,上面写有你的姓名、飞机航班编号、日期和出发...
While travelers may be concerned when SSSS is printed on their boarding passes, it isn't as bad as you fear. Something about your trip may have triggered concern with TSA, so they need to perform a secondary screening of you and your bags. This process usually takes a few minutes, but...