If you see the letters “SSSS” on a boarding pass it means that you’ve been selected for “Secondary Security Screening Selection” and that you may be subjected to additional screening measures, such as invasivepat-downs,swabs for explosives, and tedious luggage inspections. While this sounds...
An "SSSS" on your boarding pass can be random, but means you’ll be subject to a more comprehensive TSA screening.
process for TSA agents either. Yes, it can add some extra time to the security screening process, but you can plan for that. Remember, if you check in online or using an airline’s mobile app, you can know ahead of time if there’s a chance you’ll get SSSS on your boarding pass...
Also, make sure that once you are past security, go to the gate and get a new boarding pass (after your passport/ID is verified), that doesn’t have the ‘SSSS’, since you can’t board with the original one. Hopefully that makes some information clear on the subject, and just know...
wouldn’t let me get me e-ticket on my iPhone. I have global entry as well as an FBI background check due to my CCW permit. I’ve had more background checks than I care to admit. While I usually get TSA pre check his time I had SSSS on my boarding pass. It was a 10 minute...
What does “SSSS” on a boarding pass stand for? “SSSS” stands forsecondary security screening selection. I’m not sure if the TSA came up with the abbreviation first and then came up with words to justify it, or if it was the other way around. Simply put, an “SSSS” on your bo...
Had TSA guy write SSSS on my boarding pass once when I had forgotten my "travel bag" with all my identification at home. Only ID I had on me was a Dept of Veterans Affairs card. Avoided being stripped and searched and interrogated when another TSA officer intervened and said to others,...
SSSS是美國TSA(Transportation Security Administration, 美國運輸安全管理局)隨機選取需要接受二次安檢的乘客。因為是TSA選取的,所以只有對美國國內航班以及飛往美國的航班才有效。對於如何選擇需要接受SSSS檢查的乘客,TSA表面上宣稱是完全隨機的,但實際上根據大家的DP,wikipedia總結了如下人群是容易受到SSSS檢查特別關照的乘客...
In the lower right corner of your boarding pass you will see four letters "SSSS," which stands for "Secondary Security Screening Selection." Contrary to popular belief, passengers who receive SSSS selection are not chosen by the United States Transportation Security Administration (TSA),...
Now, just imagine if you knew when you were about to be pulled out of the TSA line for an additional search? Believe it or not, that information is often made available on your boarding pass. The clue shows up in the form of four letters.Those letters are "SSSS".They stand forSeconda...