Products & Services Knowledgebase 如何在 sssd.conf 文件中配置 ad_access_filter 或 ldap_access_filter。 Translated messageA translation of this page exists in English. 如何在 sssd.conf 文件中配置 ad_access_filter 或 ldap_access_filter。
ldap_search_base=dc=xxxxxx,dc=xxxxxx #这里的两个dc也需要重新命名 ldap_access_filter=(&(objectclass=dcObject)(objectclass=organization)) ldap_tls_reqcert=never ldap_id_use_start_tls=False ldap_tls_cacertdir=/etc/openldap/certs cache_credentials=True entry_cache_timeout=600 ldap_network_timeou...
ldap_search_base=dc=xxxxxx,dc=xxxxxx #这里的两个dc也需要重新命名 ldap_access_filter=(&(objectclass=dcObject)(objectclass=organization)) ldap_tls_reqcert=never ldap_id_use_start_tls=False ldap_tls_cacertdir=/etc/openldap/certs cache_credentials=True entry_cache_timeout=600 ldap_network_timeou...
ldap_search_base ldap_uri ldap_default_bind_dn ldap_default_authtok ldap_tls_cacert ldap_access_filter Download the CA certificate of the OpenLDAP server by running the command below. true | openssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 ...
7.4.5. Defining Access Control Using the LDAP Access Filter 7.5. Configuring System Services for SSSD Configuring System Services for SSSD 7.5.1. Configuring Services: NSS 7.5.2. Configuring Services: PAM 7.5.3. Configuring Services: autofs ...
ad_access_filter = ad_domain = ad_gpo_access_control = disabled ad_server =,,,,, auth_provider...
- Resolves: rhbz#1879860 - correction in sssd.conf:pam_response_filter man page - Resolves: rhbz#1881336 - [RFE] sssd-ldap man page modification for parameter "ldap_referrals" - Resolves: rhbz#1883488 - [RfE] Implement a new sssd.conf option to disable the filter for AD domain loc...
ad_access_filter = default_shell = /bin/bash debug_level=3 cache_credentials = true # Use this if users are being logged in at /. # This example specifies /home/DOMAIN-FQDN/user as $HOME. Use with # if you wanted the domain also to be in the path, do: override...
ldap_id_mapping = False (默认为True) access_provider = simple (默认为ad) simple_allow_users = (手动添加,只允许特定用户登陆) filter_users_in_groups = False (手动添加,不去查找group id) enumerate = True (这个参数会遍历AD的user和group,导致认证变慢,不过这个参数...