If so, then you stand to gain from this government insurance program’s manybenefits, which include sickness, maternity, disability, retirement — and more recently — unemployment benefits, among others. While the SSS was initially offered to private sector employees back in the Philippines, its ...
If this is your first time to apply for the SSS UMID, you may want to read theHow to Apply for SSS UMIDandHow to Verify Status of your UMID Application How to Apply for SSS UMID Replacement? Before going to an SSS Branch to apply for your SSS UMID Replacement, check first Items 1 ...
How to Apply for SSS Unemployment Benefit Online We know that this pandemic has been a challenge to both employers and employees, some business has to close and lay off their staff. SSS in partnership with Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Philippine Overseas Labor (POLO) and Philippi...
You may have also listed the names that you’re going to use for your child. All these … Read moreHow to Apply for SSS Sickness Benefit Online If you’re a self-employed individual, married to someone who doesn’t work, or if you’re a member of the SSS who works abroad, here’...
This is a new SSS benefit offered to those who have been laid off (or terminated) from their jobsagainst their will. Obviously, itdoesn’tapply to those who have resigned from their jobs. The unemployment benefit is equal to 50 percent of the average MSC. For example, if your average mon...
Guidelines on Contributions Penalty Condonation,… Advantages of SSS Pension Loan Program (PLP) SSS to offer Consolidated Loan Program with Penalty… How to Apply for SSS Unemployment Benefit Online How to Qualify, Apply for SSS Maternity Benefit?
How to Apply for SSS Calamity Loan? You can apply for an SSS calamity loan (CLAP) by logging in athttps://www.sss.gov.ph/. If you are not yet registered, you can apply in their registration pagehere. The next steps are below: ...