The SSS Online Loan Calculator is a great tool to help you determine how much you can borrow from the Social Security System (SSS). This calculator takes into account your current monthly salary, age, and contribution history to provide you with an estimate of the maximum loanable amount. Sim...
SSS Revises Salary Loan Guidelines
LOAN June 17, 2021 When can you renew your SSS Salary Loan? Based on the official website of the Social Security System, under the SSS Salary Loan, an applicant may be eligible to apply for a one-month salary loan or a two-month salary loan. The one-month salary…...
Here is How to Apply for SSS Loan Restructuring Program 2018 or commonly known as SSS Loan Condonation WHO ARE ELIGIBLE TO APPLY? All member-borrowers who have past due Calamity Loans or Salary Loan Early Renewal Program (SLERP); Member-borrowers with past due short-term loans living or work...
the P 500 million will come from the Department of Labor and Employment's (DoLE) employees' compensation fund which the SSS also manages.For SSS members who lose (or have lost) their jobs, the following are the requirements to qualify for the emergency salary loans of up to P 15,000 :...
Ifyou have a loan with the SSS and you lose your job or you become disabled or you died, what happens to the loan? Emilio de Quiros:The way SSS protects their fund is that when we grant the salary loan and there is no payment on the loan, there’s a penalty 1% month and...
This SSS table can be used by individual members when checking their contributions posted online. Moreover, we can refer to the table’s monthly salary credit (MSC) based on our salary bracket, to determine the loans and benefits that we can avail of from SSS....
Every year, the contribution table for the Social Security System (SSS) updates and this is depending on how the economy is. Moreover, it’s essential to know the values of contributions if you are an employer because it can be a lawful act if you make mistakes in terms of paying for ...
Loan amount:One monthly salary credit (MSC) up to PHP 20,000 Interest rate:6% per annum Repayment period:24 months (Monthly amortization starts on the fourth month after the date of the loan) Other:1% Service Fee Who Can Apply? The SSS calamity loan for covid – 19 is open to any me...
BENEFITS, LOAN, SSS ACCOUNT January 26, 2022 How to correct or replace Disbursement Account in My.SSS and request for re-disbursement of Loan or Benefits? Have you field for an SSS Benefit like Maternity, Sickness or Unemployment Benefit, or filing for a Salary or Calamity Loan? SSS has ...