SSS Maternity Benefits, Requirements, and Computation April 18, 2023BySSS Answers113 Comments SSS Maternity Benefit is one of the many benefits of the Social Security System that covered members can avail of. When I gave birth to our eldest child in 2013 via C-section delivery, I received Php...
However, you must not have any pending loans or benefit claims with the program. Additionally, you must not be receiving any regular benefits from SSS, such as retirement or disability benefits. It is important to carefully consider the consequences before making this decision. If you have any ...
Please see this post for the sample computation and more detailed discussion on Retirement.But basically you must have contributed at least 120 months of contribution, to be able to get the pension benefit. Disability Benefit The disability benefit, once you’ve reached 36 months of ...
Scenario: I was told that the last 5 years of contribution will be the basis of the calculation for the retirement benefits. Please let me know if that is false. I would appreciate it if you could please show me how to calculate my benefits, if I retire at 65 years old, with the in...