Be below 65 years old at the time of loan application; Home address or property at an area declared under the State of Calamity Has not availed of any of these SSS benefits: total permanent disability, retirement, or death Have no past due SSS Short-Term Member Loans; Has no outstandingS...
Paid at least 36 monthly contributions, six of which are posted within the last 12 months before the month of loan application Home address or property within the Philippines. Has not availed of any of these SSS benefits: total permanent disability, retirement, or death Has no outstandingSSS L...
Member must not have been previously granted a refund of contributions, retirement or total permanent disability benefits, and;5. Member must not have been disqualified by the Social Security Commission as a result of filing a 鈥Manila Bulletin...
Partial disability is defined by the SSS as total and permanent loss of or inability to use particular body parts. The loss of these parts does not thoroughly inhibit gainful employment. Body parts included in the SSS definition of partial disability include: an arm, a leg, a hand, a foot,...
Has not been granted any final benefit, i.e. total permanent disability or retirement; Has not been disqualified due to fraud committed against the SSS; Member-borrowers with final benefits application (Death, Total Disability, Retirement) whose contingency date is on or before the last day of ...