These members without DOC are usually the ones who have been paying their contributions as Voluntary without first registering properly and correctly. You have a Date of Coverage if: . you were reported to SSS by your employer as Employee . you registered at an SSS branch as Self-Employed usi...
The Social Security System has issued Circular No.2012-018 which amends the existing guidelines for the SSS Short-Term Member Loans. It was clearly stated that SSS members who have paid up at least fifty percent (50%) of their existing Short-Term loans and have completed at least 50% of ...
If you are a business owner, professional, OFW or a voluntary contributor, you are very well aware of the hassle of paying for your Social Security System (SSS) contributions. Because if you were an employee before, you didn’t really have to think about all that because your employer took...
BALAY MINDANAW FOUNDATION INC.[Entry] Goodmorning Concern : Employeer SSS account is locked and requested for unlocked password: bmfi2022 sss number - 08-0933031-1 and my Email add.: Paulin joy carlom[Entry] My sss account is locked Name:Paulin joy c carlom...