Super simple songs sss英文儿歌歌词.pdf,1. Knock Knock Hello Hello! (Hello!) [Wave wi h your righ hand Hello! (Hello!) [Wave wi h your lef hand. Come in. [Mo ion o come inside. Le ’s sing. [Pre end you are singing in o a microphone Le ’s play. [Run in p
🌸 Here Is The Beehive(蜂箱在这) 原图&更多SSS儿歌&英语启蒙内容请🌏+yy202202zz
Super simple songs sss英文儿歌歌词_少儿英语_幼儿教育_教育专区 1. Knock Knock Hello Hello! (Hello!) [Wave with your right hand Hello! (Hello!) [Wave with your left hand. Come in. [Motion to come inside. Let’s sing 1. Knock Knock Hello Hello! (Hello!) [Wave with your right hand...
🔸The Itsy Bitsy Spider(愚蠢的小蜘蛛) 音乐韵律,手指舞、快速、慢速,以不同的方式学习这首儿歌。 🔹The Animals On The Farm(农场里的动物) 认识农场动物及叫声。 🔸Mary Had A Kangaroo(玛丽有一只袋鼠) 认识动物及特点。
sss歌词sss歌词 how's the weather? how's the weather? how's the weather? how's the weather today? is it sunny? is it rainy? is it cloudy? is it snowy? how's the weather today? let's look outside. how's the weather? is it sunny today? let's look outside. how's the ...
中文歌词: 在梦里可以说的话语 从梦里醒来后感觉好害羞啊 当着面肯定说不出来 那种事情我是知道的(怒) 随着节奏one two three 哼着歌想掩饰过去 笨拙也是可爱之处 拜托了!差不多该 wake me up! morning! 揉揉睡眼 清晨的阳光灿烂 morning! 飞奔而出吧 ...
儿童英语启蒙sss歌曲歌词DO YOU LIKE BROCCOLIICE CREAM?Do you like broccoli?Yes,I do. Yes,I do.Do you like ice cream?Yes,I do. Yes,I do.Do you like broccoli ice cream?No, I don't. Yucky!Do you like donuts?Yes, I do. Yes,I do.Do you like juice?Yes, I do. Yes, I do.Do...
Knock,Knock,Knock.(敲门(或窗等)声;) Come on in! Let's sing. And play. And learn together. Knock,knock! 02.Make a circle 围成一个圆圈 Make a circle,围成一个圆圈, big big big. Small small small Big big big Make a circle, ...
甜甜的歌词合集 1. 路过了学校花店 荒野到海边 有一种浪漫的爱叫浪费时间 2. 总有些惊奇的际遇,比如说当我遇见你。 3. 就算世界与我为敌我超喜欢你,超喜欢你不能分离,我只相信这个真理,… Kiki的十一 520:送你十首美好的爱情歌曲 杨子虚发表于摇滚天堂 Despacito的改编中文歌词 黄子毅打开...