Zeid M,Mitchell S,Link W,Carter M,Nawar A,Fulton T,Kresovich S.Simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in faba bean: new loci from Orobanche-resistant cultivar Giza 402. Plant Breeding . 2009Zeid, M.; Mitchell, S.; Link, W.; Carter, M.; Nawar, A.; Fulton, T.; Kresovich, S. Simple ...
1997. Characterisation and mapping of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in Sorghum bicolor. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 95: 66-72.Characterization and mapping of simple sequence repeats (SSRs) in Sorghum bicolor[J] . G. Taramino,R. Tarchini,S. Ferrario,M. Lee,M. E. Pe’.TAG Theoretical...
1、微卫星标记(microsatellite),又称为短串联重复序列(simple tandemrepeats,strs)或简单重复序列(simple sequence repeats,ssrs),是均匀分布于真核生物基因组中的简单重复序列,由2~6个核苷酸的串联重复片段构成。微卫星标记应用广泛,通常通过对pcr扩增的扩增产物进行电泳分析,并根据大小等位基因进行检测,高度多态的微卫...
Abundance and characterization of simple- sequence repeats (SSRs) isolated from a size-fractionated genomic library of Brassica napus L.(rape- seed). Theor Appl Genet. 1995; 91: 206-211. doi: 10.1007/BF00220879 PMID: 24169765Kresovich S, Szewc-McFadden AK, Bliek SM, McFerson JR. Abundance ...
Genetic diversity and population genetic structure of Paeonia suffruticosa by chloroplast DNA simple sequence repeats (cpSSRs) 时间:2024 杂志:Horticultural Plant Journal 影响因子:5.7 分区:1/1区 背景 牡丹(Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.)是中国特有的灌木花卉,染色体数目为2n=10。本研究使用了228个来自四个不同...
Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs), also known as microsatellites or Short Tandem Repeats (STRs), are ubiquitous, hypervariable and abundant in many eukaryotes' genomes. They are generally thought to differ in size due to the effect of replication error and unequal recombination. Their distribution vari...
利用陆地棉EST-SSRs(Expressed sequence tags-simple sequence repeats)在陆地棉和向日葵品种中进行了通用性分析.利用本实验室合成的1 500对陆地棉EST-SSRs在4个陆地棉品种中进行了扩增,有效扩增比率为95%,扩增产物符合预期大小(50~500 bp);每对引物可以检测到1~6个数目不等的片段(allele),平均约为2.7个;每2个陆...
For more than two decades, mitochondrial DNA sequences and simple sequence repeats (SSRs, or microsatellite loci) have served as gold standards in population genetics. More recently, next generation sequencing (NGS) has enabled researchers to address biological questions that can benefit from hundreds...
在众多分子标记中, 以 PCR 为基础的 SSRs (simple sequence repeats)标记 以其简单,信息量高,易操作,呈共显性遗传等特性 被广泛开发利用. SSRs 标记既存在于基因非编码区, 也广泛分布于基因编码区. 特别是不同棉种大规模 的 EST 序列测序和公开释放, 为棉花 EST-SSRs 标记 的开发提供了大量的信息资源. ...