设置图表的 NoDataMessage 属性 在“设计”视图中,单击并选中设计图面上的图表。 “属性”窗格将显示选定项的属性。 在“属性”窗格中,展开NoDataMessage的节点。 在“标题”的NoDataMessage属性字段中,键入要显示为消息的文本。 此外,也可以在下拉列表中单击“表达式”以打开“表达式”对...
When you want to specify text to show in the rendered report in place of a data region that has no data, set the NoRowsMessage property for a table, matrix, or list data region, the NoDataMessage for a chart data region, and the NoDataText for the color scale for a map. At run...
在[屬性] 窗格中,展開NoDataMessage的節點。 在[屬性]窗格中,輸入您想要在[NoDataMessage]屬性欄位中顯示為訊息的文字。 另外,您也可以從下拉式清單按一下[運算式],開啟[運算式]對話方塊,然後建立運算式。 為子報表設定 NoRowsMessage 在[設計] 檢視中,按一下設計介面上的子報表加以選取。 [屬性] 窗格會顯...
Error Message: The attempt to connect to the report server failed. Check your connection information and that the report server is a compatible version. The request failed with HTTP status 404: Not Found. error msg "Report item expressions can only refer to fields within the current data set...
如果資料集查詢傳回零個資料列,則系統會在執行階段會顯示訊息,指出沒有可以顯示的資料。 您可以在 [屬性] 窗格中修改報表的 NoDataMessage 標題,以自訂這個訊息。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱<報表內嵌資料集和共用資料集 (報表產生器及 SSRS)>。請參閱工作將圖表加入至報表 (報表產生器及 SSRS)...
Deliver data alert messages to recipients—Alerting service creates an alert instance and sends an alert message to recipients by email.In addition, as a data alert owner you can view information about your data alerts and delete and edit your data alert definitions. An alert has only one owner...
Invalid certificates cause upgrades to fail and an error similar to the following message is written to the Reporting Services Log file: Microsoft.ReportingServices.WmiProvider.WMIProviderException: A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate is not configured on the Web site.....
SQL Server spatial data.If the data source is available and the credentials are valid, the sample data is loaded from the spatial data in the database. Otherwise, the report processor generates sample data and displays the messageNo spatial data available. ...
SSRMMD: A Rapid and Accurate Algorithm for Mining SSR Feature Loci and Candidate Polymorphic SSRs Based on Assembled Sequences. - GouXiangJian/SSRMMD
一个习以为常的细节 之前在做 ReentrantLock 相关的试验,试验本身很简单,和本文相关的简化版如下:(提...