SSPC-SP8-2000中文版酸洗表面处理 SSPC标准 表面处理规范NO.8 酸洗 1.范围 1.1 此规范适用于钢结构酸洗的要求.2.定义 2.1 酸洗: 是指通过化学反应,电解或这两种方法一起对钢结构表面进行处理的一种方法. 肉眼检查表面不得有看得见的氧化皮和锈蚀.3.完工表面的外观 3.1 表面应酸洗浸蚀到适合规定油漆系统的...
4.2 If there is a conflict between the requirements of any of the cited referenced standards and this specification, the requirements of this specification shall prevail. 4.3 SSPC AND JOINT SPECIFICATIONS: SP 1 Solvent Cleaning SP 2 Hand Tool Cleaning SP 3 Power Tool Cleaning SP 6/NACE No. 3...
SSPC-SP8批注本地保存成功开通会员云端永久保存去开通 SSPC-SP 8 November 1, 1982 Editorial Revisions November 1, 2004 SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings SURFACE PREPARATION SPECIFICATION NO. 8 Pickling 1. Scope 1.1 This specification covers the requirements for the pickling of steel surfaces. ...
SSPC标准 表面处理规范表面处理规范表面处理规范表面处理规范NO.8 酸酸酸酸洗洗洗洗 1.范围 1.1此规范适用于钢结构酸洗的要求. 2.定义 2.1酸洗:是指通过化学反应,电解或这两种方法一起对钢结构表面进行处理的一种方法.肉眼检查 表面不得有看得见的氧化皮和锈蚀. 3.完工表面的外观 3.1表面应酸洗浸蚀到适合规定油漆...
SSPC-SP8 November1,1982 EditorialRevisionsNovember1,2004 SSPC:TheSocietyforProtectiveCoatings SURFACEPREPARATIONSPECIFICATIONNO.8 Pickling 1.Scope 1.1Thisspecificationcoverstherequirementsforthepicklingofsteelsurfaces. 2.Definition 2.1Picklingisamethodofpreparingsteelsurfacesbychemicalreaction,electrolysis,orboth.The su...
SSPC SP8-2000 SSPC-SP 8 No v e m b e r1,1982 Ed i t o r i a l Ch a n g e s Se p t e m b e r1,2000 SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings SURF ACE PRE P ARA TI ON SPE CI F I CA TI ON NO. 8 Pick l ing 1. Scop e 1.1T h i s s p e c i f i c...
SSPC-SP8-2000 Pickling授权形式: 作者/开发商: 文件大小:未知 软件语言:英文 版本号:0 软件平台:Windows/Unix/Linux/MacOS 软件类别: 点击次数:132 评论等级:★★★☆☆ 更新时间:2008-08-08 演示地址: 资源介绍: This specification covers the requirements for the pickling of steel surfaces. Pickling is...
SSPC-SP8523picklingin5byvolumesulfuricacidat170180?f7782?cwithsufficientinhibitoraddedtominimizeattackonthebasemetaluntilallrustandscaleisremovedfollowedbyatwominuterinseinhotwaterat170180?f7782?c SSPC-SP 8 November 1, 1982 Editorial Revisions November 1, 2004 SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings ...