@甘井子区营城子街道豪拓机械加工厂sspc-sp10标准喷砂除锈 甘井子区营城子街道豪拓机械加工厂 SSPC-SP NO.10标准描述了赤白色喷砂清洁度的要求,包括材料或表面应达到的最终清洁条件及必要的工艺以达到及验证这个条件。这个标准比较严格,要求表面无可视油脂、灰尘、氧化皮、锈蚀等杂质,且允许单独区域表面存在少量污物,...
近白色金属喷抛清理的清洁程度优于商业级喷抛清理(SSPC-SP 6/NACE NO.3)但次于白色金属喷抛清理(SSPC-SP 5/NACE NO.1)。 近白色金属喷抛清理用于需要除去对象所有铁锈、覆盖层和轧制氧化皮的情况,但不能保证按额外的要求除去材料上的所有瑕疵。表面着色单位面积不能超过5%。 近白色金属喷抛清理仅允许单位面积...
SSPC-SP10 中文 version 编号 21130 联合表面处理标准 NACE No. 2/SSPC-SP 10 近出白金属喷砂清理 本NACE国际(NACE)/美国防腐涂料协会(SSPC)标准是那些审查过其文件、范围和条款的个 人会员一致通过后最终确定的版本。本标准旨在为制造商、消费者和公众提供帮助。无论其被采用与否,本标准的接受并不排除任何...
SSPC-SP 1 0/NACE No. 2September 1 , 200072Joint Surface Preparation StandardSSPC-SP NO. 10/NACE NO. 2Near-White Blast CleaningThis SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings andNACE International standard represents a consensus ofthose individual members who have reviewed this docu-ment, its sc...
内容提示: SSPC-SP lO/NACE NO. 2 September 1, 2000 Joint Surface Preparation Standard SSPC-SP NO. lO/NACE NO. 2 Near-White Blast Cleaning This SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings and NACE International standard represents a consensus of those individual members who have reviewed this ...
SSPC-SP10/NACENo.2 January1,2007 1 SSPC:Th S c ty P t ct v C t gs JoinTSurfaCePreParaTionSTandard SSPC-SP10/naCeno.2 n -Wh t M tlBlstCl g ThisTheSocietyforProtectiveCoatings(SSPC)/NACE International(NACE)standardrepresentsaconsensusof ...
SSPC-SP 10/NACE No. 2 September 1, 2000 Joint Surface Preparation Standard SSPC-SP NO. 10/NACE NO. 2 Near-White Blast Cleaning This SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings and NACE International standard represents a consensus of those individual members who have reviewed this document, its...
SSPC-SP 5/NACE No.1-2007 星级: 5 页 SSPC-SP 3-2018 Power Tool Cleaning 星级: 4 页 SSPC-SP 2-2018 Hand Tool Cleaning 星级: 3 页 SSPC-SP CAB-2-2019 Intermediate Blast Cleaning 星级: 5 页 SSPC-SP CAB-1-2019 Thorough Blast Cleaning 星级: 5 页 SSPC-SP CAB-3-2019 Brush ...
SSPC-SP10/NACENo2 September1,2000 JointSurfacePreparationStandardSSPC-SPNO.10/NACENO.2 Near-WhiteBlastCleaning ThisSSPC:TheSocietyforProtectiveCoatingsandNACEInternationalstandardrepresentsaconsensusofthoseindividualmemberswhohavereviewedthisdocu-ment,itsscopeandprovisionsItsacceptancedoesnotinanyrespectprecludeanyon...
Item No. 21066Joint Surface Preparation StandardNACE No. 2/SSPC-SP 10Near-White Metal Blast CleaningThis NACE International (NACE)/SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings standard represents aconsensus of those individual members who have reviewed this document, its scope, andprovisions. It is ...