SSPC美国防护涂料协会 SSPC AB-2.pdf,SSPC-AB 2 May 1, 1996 Editorial Changes September 1, 2000 SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings ABRASIVE SPECIFICATION NO. 2 Clean1iness of Recycled Ferrous MetallicAbrasives i.Scope D 4940 Test Method for Conductim
SSPC-AB 2 May 1, 1996 Editorial Revisions November 1, 2004 4-8 5.1.5 Place a magnet in a plastic sheath or cylinder as shown in Figure 1. The magnet must be in contact with the bottom of the interior surface of the plastic sheath. ...
SSPC-AB 1 J u n e 1, 19 9 1 Ed ito r ia l Ch a n g e s Se p te m b e r 1, 2 0 0 0 13 1 SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings ABRASIVE SPECIF ICATION NO. 1 M ineral and Slag Ab rasives 1 . Scope 1 .1 Th is s p e c ific a tio n d e fin e s ...
? 1 . 2 Th e a b r a s i v e s c o v e r e d b y t h i s s p e c i f i c a t i o n a r e p r i ma r i l yi n t e n d e d f o ro n e -t i me u s e wi t h o u tr e c y c l i n g ;r e c l a i me d ma t e r...
SSPC AB 2-2015(2016) 2015年 总页数 3页 发布单位 / 适用范围 本标准规定了用于去除钢或其他表面涂层、油漆、锈迹和其他外来物质的回收铁质金属磨料(工作混合物)的清洁度要求。还包含实验室测试和现场测试程序,以确定是否符合这些要求。 购买 正式版
(13to38micrometers)when testedinaccordancewithSection4.3. •Grade2-Abrasiveswhichproducesurfacepro- filesof1.0to2.5mils(25to64micrometers)when testedinaccordancewithSection4.3. •Grade3-Abrasiveswhichproducesurfacepro- filesof2.0to3.5mils(51to89micrometers)when testedinaccordancewithSection4.3. •...
2. Description2.1 The abrasives are categorized into two types, threeclasses and five grades as described below. Normally theuser shall specify the types, classes and grades required.If no abrasive type is specified, then either Type I or TypeII is considered acceptable. If no abrasive class ...
SSPC has announced changes to the standard SSPC-AB 1, Mineral and Slag Abrasives. The standard was developed for facility owners and specifiers, abrasive manufacturers and suppliers, surface preparation and coating contractors, and inspectors to establish quality benchmarks for non-metallic abrasives ...
Announces the Steel Structures Painting Council's request for members to submit papers for its Eight Annual Conference on Industrial Lead Paint Abatement and Removal to be held in St. Louis from January 30-February 1, 1995. Goals of the conference; Program planned; Topics for the papers; Mechan...