1. Surface Preparation Proper surface preparation is crucial for the successful application of coatings. The guide provides detailed instructions on surface cleaning, removal of existing coatings, and preparation methods such as abrasive blasting or hydrocleaning. Following these recommendations ensures optima...
SSPC-Guide 7 - Guide for the Disposal of Lead-Contaminated Surface Preparation Debris SSPC-Guide 9 - Guide for Atmospheric Testing of Coatings in the Field SSPC-ME 1 - Uncontaminated Rusted Steel SSPC-PA 1 - Shop, Field, and Maintenance Painting of Steel SSPC-PA 2 - Measurement of Dry Coa...
SSPC SP3-1982 国外国际规范.pdf,SSPC-SP 3 November 1, 1982 Editorial Revisions November 1, 2004 SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings SURFACE PREPARATION SPECIFICATION NO. 3 - - ` , , ` ` ` , - ` - ` ,, Power Tool Cleaning ` , , ` , ` , , ` - - - 1. S
COMSurface Preparation Commentary for Steel and Concrete SubstratesGuide to SSPC-VIS 1Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Dry Abrasive Blast CleaningGuide to SSPC-VIS 2Standard Method of Evaluating Degree of Rusting on Painted Steel SurfacesGuide to SSPC-VIS 3Guide and Refe...
CHAPTER 2—SURFACE PREPARATION STANDARDS, GUIDES, AND SPECIFICATIONS SSPC-SP COM Surface Preparation Commentary for Steel and Concrete Substrates Guide to SSPC-VIS 1 Guide and Reference Photographs for Steel Surfaces Prepared by Dry Abrasive Blast Cleaning Guide to SSPC-VIS 2 Standard Method of Eva...
TABLEOFCONTENTS CHAPTER1—HOWTOUSESSPCSTANDARDS,SPECIFICATIONS,ANDGUIDES HowtoUseSSPCStandards,Specifications,andGuides CHAPTER2—SURFACEPREPARATIONSTANDARDS,GUIDES,AND SPECIFICATIONS SSPC-SPCOM SurfacePreparationCommentaryforSteelandConcreteSubstrates GuidetoSSPC-VIS1 GuideandReferencePhotographsforSteelSurfacesPreparedby...
the workers, contributing to distortion-free work surfaces and adequate levels of illumination for performing general surface 1.2 This guide is intended for use by facility owners, preparation, painting and inspection activities in the work space. specifiers, designers, and contractors. Natural ...
9-47 SSPC-Guide12 June1,1998 EditorialRevisionsNovember1,2004 1.Scope 1.1Thisguideprovidesinformationonthequantityand qualityoflightingonindustrialpaintingprojectsthatisconducive toachievingqualitysurfacepreparationandcoatingapplication, productivity,inspection/qualitycontrol,andaccidentpreven- tion. 1.2Thisguideisinte...
8. Maintenance Coating SSPC-PA Guide 5 provides other useful information on maintenance coating. 8.1 SURFACE PREPARATION 8.1.1 All loose, cracked, brittle, or non-adherent coating shall be removed in cleaning, unless otherwise speci?ed, until 7-68 SSPC-PA 7 July 1, 2002 Editorial Revisions ...