surface preparation: all carbon steel surfaces to be blasted per sspc-sp6 . fabricator to take off threads,bores,machined surface,etc. prior to painting all carbon steel. surface will be cleanied using 1% to 3% by volume phosphate concentrate liquid cleaner to degrease material.prevent flash rust...
SSPC-SP6-2007(商业级喷砂清理)中英对照 SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3 January 1, 2007 2007年1月1日 SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings(美国防护涂料协会) Joint Surface Preparation Standard(表面处理联合标准) SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3 Commercial Blast Cleaning(商业级喷砂清理) This The Society for ...
SSPCSP 6NACE No. 3January 1, 20072007年1月1日SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings美国防护涂料协会Joint Surface Preparation Sta
SSPC-SP6/NACENo.3 January1, 1月1日 SSPC:TheSocietyforProtectiveCoatings(美国防护涂料协 会) JointSurfacePreparationStandard(表面处理联合标准) SSPC-SP6/NACENo.3 CommercialBlastCleaning(商业级喷砂清理) ThisTheSocietyforProtectiveCoatings (SSPC)/NACEInternational(NACE)standardrepresentsa consensusofthoseindivid...
SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3September 1 , 200060Joint Surface Preparation StandardSSPC-SP 6/NACE NO. 3Commercial Blast CleaningThis SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings andNACE International standard represents a consensus ofthose individual members who have reviewed this docu-ment, its scope and pro...
商业级喷砂清理的中英对照-SSPC-SP6-2007标准.doc,SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3 January 1, 2007 2007年1月1日 SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings(美国防护涂料协会) Joint Surface Preparation Standard(表面处理联合标准) SSPC-SP 6/NACE No. 3 Commercial Blast Cl
2September 1 , 200072Joint Surface Preparation StandardSSPC-SP NO. 10/NACE NO. 2Near-White Blast CleaningThis SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings andNACE International standard represents a consensus ofthose individual members who have reviewed this docu-ment, its scope and provisions. Its ...