2.3SSPC-VIS 3, ISO 8501-1:1988 or other visual standards of surface preparation agreed upon by the con-tracting parties may be used to further define the surface.3. Reference Standards 3.1 The standards referenced in this specification are listed in Section 3.4 and form a part of the ...
系统标签: sspc cleaning specification rust loose tool 53SSPC-SP3November1,1982EditorialChangesSeptember1,2000SSPC:TheSocietyforProtectiveCoatingsSURFACEPREPARATIONSPECIFICATIONNO.3PowerToolCleaning1.Scope1.1Thisspecificationcoverstherequirementsforpowertoolcleaningofsteelsurfaces.2.Definition2.1Powertoolcleaningisamethod...
2.3SSPC-VIS 3, ISO 8501-1:1988 or other visual standards of surface preparation agreed upon by the con-tracting parties may be used to further define the surface.3. Reference Standards 3.1 The standards referenced in this specification are listed in Section 3.4 and form a part of the ...