SSPC-SP 3 Power Tool Cleaning Removes all loose mill scale, loose rust, loose paint, and other loose detrimental foreign matter by power wire brushing, power sanding, power grinding, power tool chipping, and power tool descaling. Prior to the use of power tools, remove visible oil and/or ...
1.1 This standard covers the requirements for power tool cleaning to produce a bare metal surface and to retain or produce a minimum 25 micrometer (1.0 mil) surface profile.1.1 本标准涵盖了使用动力工具清理的要求,此要求为产生裸露金属表面并保留或形成最低25微米(1.0密耳)的表面粗糙度。1....
SSPC SP3 2-59SSPC-SP 3November 1, 1982Editorial Revisions November 1, 2004SSPC: The Society for Protective CoatingsSURFACE PREPARATION SPECIFICATION NO. 3Power Tool Cleaning 1. Scope cleaning of steel surfaces.1.1 This standard covers the requirements for power tool 2. Definition surfaces by the ...
1.1This specification covers the requirements for power tool cleaning of steel surfaces.2. Definition 2.1 Power tool cleaning is a method of preparing steel surfaces by the use of power assisted hand tools.2.2 Power tool cleaning removes all loose mill scale, loose rust, loose paint, and ...
SSPC SP11 Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal SSPC SP11 动力工具清理到裸露金属 1. Scope 1. 范围 This standard covers the requirements for power tool cleaning to produce a bare metal surface and to retain or produce a minimum 25 micrometer ( mil) ...
In areas where an abrasive blast is desirable but impractical, Power Tool Cleaning to Bare Metal may be used to prepare the surface. Prior to blast cleaning, visible deposits of oil and/or grease should be removed by power washing or other agreed upon methods. In addition, sharp fins, edges...
1.1This specification covers the requirements for power tool cleaning of steel surfaces.2. Definition 2.1 Power tool cleaning is a method of preparing steel surfaces by the use of power assisted hand tools.2.2 Power tool cleaning removes all loose mill scale, loose rust, loose paint, and ...
2.2 Power tool cleaning removes all loose mill scale, loose rust, loose paint, and other loose detrimental foreign matter. 4.1 Before power tool cleaning, visible deposits of oil, It is not intended that adherent mill scale, rust, and paint be grease, or other materials that may interfere...
Power Tool Cleaning 1. Scope 1.1 This standard covers the requirements for power tool cleaning of steel surfaces.2. Definition 2.1 Power tool cleaning is a method of preparing steel surfaces by the use of power assisted hand tools.2.2 Power tool cleaning removes all loose mill scale, ...
Power ToolCleaning,inthatSSPC-SP3requiresonlytheremoval oflooselyadherentmaterialsanddoesnotrequireproduc- ingorretainingasurfaceprofile. 2.Definition 2.1Metallicsurfaceswhicharepreparedaccordingto thisspecification,whenviewedwithoutmagnification,shall befreeofallvisibleoil,grease,dirt,dust,millscale,rust, paint,...