m Ab27940 0004419 174 m SSPC-Paint 22 November 1, 1982 Editorial Changes August 1, 1991 Steel Structures Painting Council PAINT SPECIFICATION NO. 22 Epoxy-Polyamide Paints (Primer, Intermediate, and Topcoat) 1. Scope 1.1 This specification covers three types of two-compo- nent epoxy-polyamide ...
SSPC-PAINT-22-1982 标准 国际标准 行业标准 SSPC 保护涂层 br/注意:文件名末尾有有 CHN 字母的为中文版,其它为英文版,本人有大量国内外标准资料,大客户请直接和我联系,价格可以协商!未上传的文档,如有需要,请发站内信[草庐一苇]【http://www.docin.com/liuyx866】或EMAIL:liuyx866@163.com联系,我会尽量...
一Abrasives (AB) 1 2 3 4 二 Paint Application (PA) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 三 Painting Systems (PS) and Coating Systems (CS) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 四 Paints and Coatings (PAINT) 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 五 Qualification Procedures (QP) 35 36 37 38...
SSPC-Paint 21—纯白(或各色)有机硅改性醇酸漆 SSPC-Paint 22—环氧聚酰胺漆(底漆、中间漆和面漆) SSPC-Paint 23—钢结构乳胶漆 SSPC-Paint 24—半光外墙乳胶面漆 SSPC-Paint 25—用于手工处理钢结构的氧化锌,醇酸,亚麻油底漆 SSPC-Paint 25 BCS—用于喷砂处理钢结构的氧化锌,醇酸,亚麻油底漆 SSPC-Paint 26...
SSPC-Paint 20 - Zinc-Rich Primers (Type I, Inorganic, and Type II, Organic) SSPC-Paint 21 - White or Colored Silicone Alkyd Paint SSPC-Paint 22 - Epoxy-Polyamide Paints (Primer, Intermediate, and Topcoat) SSPC-Paint 23 - Latex Primer for Steel Surfaces SSPC-Paint 24 - Latex Semi-glos...
陈贻明,张卫华编译上海中远关西涂料化工,266071 编者按:SSPC:Steel StructurePaint Council 的标准和标准是美国钢结构涂装 协会制定的美国国家标准,也是国际上最具权威性和采用最多的钢结构涂装标 准.随着经济全球化的进程,国内许多高标准涂装防护要求的重大钢结构工程, 亟待采用国际通用的标准和标准.为此,我们编译了美国...
8、ated Rubber Intermediate Coat PaintSSPC-Paint 19 - Chlorinated Rubber Topcoat PaintSSPC-Paint 20 - Zinc-Rich Primers (Type I, Inorganic, and Type II, Organic)SSPC-Paint 21 - White or Colored Silicone Alkyd PaintSSPC-Paint 22 - Epoxy-Polyamide Paints (Primer, Intermediate, and Topcoat)SS...
SSPC-Paint 20 Zinc-Rich Coating, Type I - Inorganic and Type II - Organic SSPC-Paint 21 White or Colored Silicone Alkyd Paint SSPC-Paint 22 Epoxy Polyamide Paints (Primer, Intermediate, and Topcoat) SSPC-Paint 23 Latex Primer for Steel Surfaces ...
SSPCPAINT23-1982 国外国际规范.pdf,SSPC-Paint 23 November 1, 1982 Editorial Revisions November 1, 2004 SSPC: The Society for Protective Coatings PAINT SPECIFICATION NO. 23 Latex Primer for Steel Surfaces 1. Scope PA 1 Shop, Field, and Maintenance - Painti
SSPC-Paint 19 - Chlorinated Rubber Topcoat Paint SSPC-Paint 20 - Zinc-Rich Primers (Type I, Inorganic, and Type II, Organic) SSPC-Paint 21 - White or Colored Silicone Alkyd Paint SSPC-Paint 22 - Epoxy-Polyamide Paints (Primer, Intermediate, and Topcoat) SSPC-Paint 23 - Latex Primer fo...