On the Set up single sign-on with SAML page, in the SAML Signing Certificate section, find Federation Metadata XML and select Download to download the certificate and save it on your computer. On the Set up Salesforce section, copy the appropriate URL(s) based on your requirement.Create...
使用Microsoft Entra ID 来控制谁可以访问智能全局治理。 让用户使用其Microsoft Entra 帐户自动登录到 Smart Global Governance。 在一个中心位置管理帐户:Azure 门户。 若要详细了解 SaaS 应用与 Microsoft Entra ID 的集成,请参阅Microsoft Entra ID中的应用程序单一登录。
在本教學課程中,您將瞭解如何整合 Snackmagic 與 Microsoft Entra ID。 在您整合 Snackmagic 與 Microsoft Entra ID 時,您可以:在Microsoft Entra ID 中控制可存取 Snackmagic 的人員。 讓使用者使用其Microsoft Entra 帳戶自動登入 Snackmagic。 在一個中央位置管理您的帳戶。先決...
Sectigo Certificate Manager Seculio SECURE DELIVER SquaREcruit SecureTransport SecureW2 JoinNow Connector SecurityStudio Sedgwick CMS SeekOut Segment Seismic Autenticação SAML senhasegura Senomix Timesheets SendPro Enterprise SendSafely SensoScientific Wireless Temperature Monitoring System ...
I am helping another team set up AVD SSO and I noticed that its using a self-signed certificate. I've been searching around for information on using an internal CA for the certificate since it is trusted and also available to use.
If thesigning certificatefor the Sauce Labs app from your identity provider is nearing expiration or has already expired, follow these steps: Generate a new certificate for the Sauce Labs app within your identity provider. This new certificate will replace the expired one and will be reflected in...
You may need to export all the certs (such as root CA and intermediate CA) in the certification path, open each in a text editor, copy the file contents (including the BEGIN and END wrapper), and paste them all into one certificate bundle file to upload here. If you do use a self-...
配置SumTotalCentral SSO- 在应用程序端配置单一登录设置。 创建SumTotalCentral 测试用户- 在 SumTotalCentral 中创建 Britta Simon 的对应用户,并将其链接到该用户的 Microsoft Entra 表示形式。 测试SSO- 验证配置是否正常工作。 配置Microsoft Entra SSO
在本教學課程中,您將了解如何整合 SDS & Chemical Information Managemen 與 Microsoft Entra ID。 當您整合 SDS & Chemical Information Management 與 Microsoft Entra ID 時,將可以:在Microsoft Entra ID 中控制可存取 SDS & Chemical Information Management 的人員。 讓使用者使用其 Microsoft Entra 帳戶...