键:disable_inapp_sso_signin 类型:Integer 值:1 或 0。 默认情况下,此值设置为 0。 配置Microsoft Entra 设备注册 对于Intune 管理的设备,当用户尝试访问资源时,Microsoft 企业 SSO 插件可以执行 Microsoft Entra 设备注册。 这可实现更简化的最终用户体验。
On macOS devices, users normally sign in with a local account. Then, they sign into apps and websites with their Microsoft Entra ID. With Platform SSO: Organizations can: Choose the authentication method that meets your business need. Your options are Secure Enclave passwordless passkey aut...
Terminal, saving them time and context switching. Or vice versa i.e. you can also configure an external Identity provider to log in to your Foxpass account. This Add-on is currently in beta mode and free to test by everyone. In the near future, this Add-on will become a paid Add-...
单一登录部署指南 查看配置和部署 Microsoft Entra ID 单一登录的分步指南。 详细了解 单一登录最佳做法 获取有关使用 Microsoft Entra ID 管理应用程序和 SSO 的建议。 详细了解 通过无缝标识识别解决方案保护组织安全 详细了解 Microsoft Entra ID查看定价并免费试用...
Develop an SSO add-in Using SSO with an Outlook add-in Show 2 more Users sign in to Office using either their personal Microsoft account or their Microsoft 365 Education or work account. Take advantage of this and use single sign-on (SSO) to authenticate and authorize the user to your ad...
单点登录,Single Sign On(SSO)指的是在多个应用系统中,只需登录一次,就可以访问其他相互信任的应用...
Single sign-on with Duo How does SSO work? When a user signs into an SSO service, the service creates an authentication token that verifies the user's identity. This token is a piece of digital data stored in the user's web browser or on the SSO service's servers. ...
在阿里云账号Account1中创建两个可信实体类型为身份提供商的RAM角色(ADFS-Admin和ADFS-Reader),选择刚刚创建的ADFS作为可信身份提供商,并对两个角色分别授予AdministratorAccess和ReadOnlyAccess权限。 具体操作,请参见创建可信实体为身份提供商的RAM角色。 使用同样的方法,在Account2中创建与Account1中同名的身份提供商(AD...
A Microsoft Entra subscription. If you don't have a subscription, you can get a free account. ValidSign single sign-on (SSO) enabled subscription.Scenario descriptionIn this tutorial, you configure and test Microsoft Entra SSO in a test environment....