1、美国封杀涉嫌贩卖2400万人信息的SSNDOB市场 联邦调查局、国税局和司法部在赛普勒斯警方配合下端掉了SSNDOB市场。 SSNDOB是一个数据市场,此前出售2400万美国人姓名、社保号、生日等敏感信息被联邦调查局注意到,随后便秘密开始调查。近日证据终于收集完毕开始收网,SSBDOB市场的四个域名http://ssndob.ws、ssbdob.vip...
FBI查封知名网络黑市SSNDOB:曾交易数百万公民信息 据司法部称,SSNDOB列出了美国约2400万人的个人信息,包括姓名、出生日期、SSN和信用卡号码,并借此产生了超过1900万美元的收入。 美国执法部门宣布捣毁SSNDOB,这是一个臭名昭著的网络黑市,用于交易数百万美国人的个人信息--包括社会安全号码即美国人最熟悉的SSN。这次行...
This story, “Data-broker hackers SSNDOB also stole National White Collar Crime Center data,” was originally published at InfoWorld.com. Get the first word on what the important tech news really means with the InfoWorld Tech Watch blog. For the latest developments in business technology news,...
6月7日,美国司法部发布新闻稿表示,在美国联邦调查局、国税局、司法部以及塞浦路斯和拉脱维亚执法当局的合力下,已成功拆除SSNDOB市场。该地下市场运营多年,主要用于出售美国公民的个人信息,包括姓名、出生日期和社会安全号码。 SSNDOB使用互为镜像的四个站点(SSNDOB.club、SSNDOB.vip、...
有xx没有被SSN&DOB(未找到)服务找到,可能有很多原因 - 缺乏SSN,年轻的xx或移民。 对于移民,情况更糟,他们更难搜索,因为他们最近可以获得SSN,而且众所周知,probival(辛迪加除外)和probiv服务一个基地,每2-3年更新一次。 如果我想找到 kh 或从 BG 打出几个问题,我与我合作的任何服务都紧密: ...
There is no direct evidence that the hackers behind SSNDOB managed to tap directly into consumer data stores maintained by these brokers; LexisNexis said it found no signs of consumer data exfiltration, and the other two firms acknowledged the break-ins but left it at that. But given their li...
SSNDOB trafficked in personal information such as names, dates of birth, credit card numbers, and Social Security numbers of about 24 million individuals in the U.S., generating its operators $19 million in sales revenue. The action saw the seizure of several domains associated with the market...
The international law enforcement operation ended in with the SSNDOB takedown. FBI seized the ID theft service for selling the personal information of 24 million people.[1]The Department of Justice announced[2]the operation that was conducted by the FBI, Internal Revenue Service, ad the DoJ, wi...