1、申请SSN两种途径 1⃣️On-Campus job 2⃣️OPT/CPT实习 2、申请SSN的流程 1⃣️找到工作 申请SSN的前提就是先有工作 2⃣️材料准备 带入境章的护照及签证 F1签证的I20,J1签证的DS-2019 带海关印章的I-94 SS-5申请表格 工作证明信/EAD卡 Offer Letter 3⃣️去Social Security Office办理...
因为社安号码早已和自己的信用(Credit)联系在一起了。社安号码已在事实上成为一种类似良民证号码。因此,社会安全卡号码非常重要。 3. 社会安全卡有几种类型? (1)印有姓名、号码的 Regular Card:发给美国公民和永久居民持有,持这种社安卡的人在美国工作不受限制...
如果你虽然没有 SSN、但是信用分数挺高,你甚至可以试试 Chase Freedom Unlimited。 Chase Freedom Unlimited® credit card Image 可以去店里试试押金卡 很多secured credit cards「押金卡」,在网上申请要 SSN、但在门店可无 SSN 申请。所谓押金卡,就是你存一笔钱作为自己的「信用额度」,银行的风险很小,所以要求...
Milnes holds a master’s degree in data science from Northwestern University. He geeks out on helping people feel on top of their credit card use, from managing debt to optimizing rewards. Read Full Bio» *Rates, fees or bonuses may vary or include specific stipulations. The content on thi...
Keep an eye on your credit score Unexpected changes in your credit score could indicate unauthorized activity using your Social Security number. Most banks and credit card companies these days offer you your credit score as an added perk of doing business with them. ...
Chase Freedom Unlimited® credit card 店里试押金信用卡 很多secured credit cards「押金卡」,在网上申请要 SSN、但在门店可无 SSN 申请。所谓押金卡,就是你存一笔钱作为自己的「信用额度」,银行的风险很小,所以要求会低很多。整体最佳的押金卡是 Discover it,但需要 SSN;没有 SSN 的话可以试试Capital One...
Bank of America® Cash Rewards Credit Card 最强大 终于到了我的最爱Amex Gold。要注意的是,此卡...
Check if you're eligible to use your foreign credit history to apply for a U.S. credit card. Get Started More from Nova Credit: The best credit cards for no credit history The best credit cards for international students How to get a credit card without a social security number ...
File a police report on an actual theft of your card or use of your number. Monitor your credit reports for any unauthorized use of existing credit accounts or the unauthorized opening of new accounts. How Can I Find Out If Someone Is Using My Social Security Number?