A Social Security Number (SSN) is a unique nine-digit identification number issued by the U.S. Social Security Administration. The format follows the pattern "AAA-GG-SSSS" where: First three digits (Area Number): Based on geographical region ...
Format nine digits, which may be in a formatted or unformatted pattern Note If issued before mid-2011, an SSN has strong formatting where certain parts of the number must fall within certain ranges to be valid (but there's no checksum). ...
The Social Security number is divided into three parts in the format "AAA-GG-SSSS". the first three digits, is assigned by geographical region. The middle two digits are the Group Number. The last four digits are Serial Numbers represent a straight numerical sequence of digits from 0001 to ...
Format Pattern Checksum Keyword Highlighting Sýna 2 til viðbótar Ábending If you're not an E5 customer, use the 90-day Microsoft Purview solutions trial to explore how additional Purview capabilities can help your organization manage data security and compliance needs. Start now at th...
Format Pattern Checksum Keyword Highlighting Prikaži još 2 Napojnica If you're not an E5 customer, use the 90-day Microsoft Purview solutions trial to explore how additional Purview capabilities can help your organization manage data security and compliance needs. Start now at the Microso...
1、SSN:SocialSecurityNumber:社会安全号码 社会安全号码是美国联邦政府社会安全局发给公民、永久居民、临时(工作)居民的一组九位数字号码。这个号码把一个美国人一生中所有的基本信息和信用记录都连结了起来。自1930年代美国成立社会安全管理局后,联邦政府规定美国所有的合法公民和居民都必须持有有效的社会...
输出数字时自动形成SSN,这个问题可以从多个方面来回答。 首先,SSN(Social Security Number)是一个由美国社会保障局颁发的九位数号码,用于标识美国公民的身份。每个美国公民都有...
The Social Security number consists of nine (9) digits, usually written in the format 123-45-6789. The first three digits denote the area (or State) where the original Social Security number application was filed. The first three (3) digits of a person’s social security number were determ...
Method 5 – Using Custom Number Formatting to Add Dashes to SSNs Another way to add dashes to an SSN is by applying a Custom number format from the Format Cells dialog box. Steps: Select all the SSNs. Press CTRL + 1 to open the Format Cells dialog box. Navigate to the Number tab....
But if you want to remove the dashes and apply the social security number format to the selected cells, you can use the code below instead of the above. Sub remove_dashes() Dim iCell As Range For Each iCell In Selection.Cells iCell.Value = Replace(iCell, "-", "") iCell.NumberFor...