只要开头3个数字,ok 前3位和你州相符就可以了the chart below shows the first 3 digits of the social security numbers assigned throughout the united states and its possessions. see "note" at bottom of page.001-003new hampshire004-007maine008-...
The Social Security number consists of nine (9) digits, usually written in the format 123-45-6789. The first three digits denote the area (or State) where the original Social Security number application was filed. The first three (3) digits of a person’s social security number were determ...
The chart below shows the first 3 digits of the social security numbers assigned throughout the United States and its possessions. The same area, when shown more than once, means that certain numbers have been transferred from one State to another, or that an area has been divided for use ...
只要开头3个数字,ok前3位和你州相符就可以了 thechartbelowshowsthefirst3digitsofthesocialsecuritynumbersassignedthroughouttheunitedstatesanditspossessions.see"note"atbottomofpage. 001-003 newhampshire 004-007 maine 008-009 vermont 010-034 massachusetts 035-039 rhodeisland 040-049 connecticut 050-134 new...
只要开头3个数字,ok前3位和你州相符就可以了 thechartbelowshowsthefirst3digitsofthesocialsecuritynumbersassignedthroughouttheunitedstatesanditspossessions.see"note"atbottomofpage. 001-003 newhampshire 004-007 maine 008-009 vermont 010-034 massachusetts ... 只要开头3个数字,ok前3位和你州相符就可以了 thechartbelowshowsthefirst3digitsofthesocialsecuritynumbersassignedthroughouttheunitedstatesanditspossessions.see"note"atbottomofpage. 001-003 newhampshire 004-007 maine 008-009 vermont 010-034 massachusetts ...