洛杉矶级攻击型核潜艇(英语:Los Angeles-class submarine,又常称为688级)为美国在冷战时期建造的一种高速多用途核潜艇,也是美国的第五代攻击型潜艇。该舰的任务主要是反舰、反潜、为航空母舰战斗群护航。洛杉矶级攻击型核潜艇的首舰洛杉矶号于1976年11月建成服役,到了1996年共建造了62艘,是美国海军有史以来建...
1、转载美国现役核潜艇( SSNSSGNSSBN )一览第七潜艇打击群( Submarine Group 7 ) 第 15 潜艇中队( Submarine Squadron 15 )母港关岛, 2001 年 2 月 23 日重新组建,隶属太平洋舰队 Los Angeles-class Flight II USS Chicago (SSN-721) 洛杉矶级攻 击核潜艇“芝加哥”号Los Angeles-class Flight II USS Key...
☆第15潜艇中队(Submarine Squadron 15)母港关岛,2001年2月23日重新组建,隶属太平洋舰队Los Angeles-class Flight II USS Chicago (SSN-721)洛杉矶级攻击核潜艇“芝加哥”号 Los Angeles-class Flight II USS Key West (SSN-722)洛杉矶级核潜艇“基韦斯特”号Los Angeles-class Flight II USS Oklahoma City (SSN-...
Click to return to theSubmarine Gallery The Ship Model Masters of Raven Arts in Washington State are the nation's premier custom model ship building service located just West of Seattle, WA Custom built ship models such as this USS Key West SSN 722 Flight II Los Angeles Class Nuclear Submarin...
Custom built ship models such as this USS Louisville SSN-724 Flight II Los Angeles Class Nuclear Submarine with a Tomahawk Cruise Missile launch are created by professional Master Model Builders. Each one is a custom work of fine art built by hand in the USA. ...
The Ship Model Masters of Raven Arts in Washington State are the nation's premier custom model ship building service located just West of Seattle, WA Custom built ship models such as this USS Salt Lake City SSN 716 Flight I Los Angeles Class Nuclear Submarine are built by professional Master...
Custom built ship models such as this USS Annapolis (SSN-760) Flight III Improved Los Angeles Class Nuclear Submarine are built by professional Master Model Builders. Each one is a custom work of fine art built by hand in the USA.
Our enhanced scale models of the USS Hampton (SSN-767) Flight III Improved Los Angeles Class Nuclear Missile Submarine represents the finest in master craftsmanship. Shown here in a 1/350th scale configurations. All models includes a Red Oak case finished in fine natural Danish oils, clear flam...
Page details technical specifications, development, operational history of the USS Los Angeles (SSN-688) Nuclear-Powered Attack Submarine including pictures.