服役:1959年11月10日 退役:1969年5月日数量:1动力装置:2座S4G型压水反应堆 潜航排水量:5,963吨(水上)7,773吨(水下)水上吃水:7.16米 (23呎6吋)航速:水上大于30节 水下大于27节 全长:136.40米(447呎6吋)全宽:11.28米 (37呎)乘员:172名军官和船员武器装备:6具533mm鱼类发射管...
Her keel was laid down on May 1st, 1959 and she was launched to sea on July 1st, 1961. The boat was formally commissioned for service on May 29th, 1962. USS Permit Walk-Around USS Permit typically carried a crew of 105 and had a displacement of 3,760 tons (short) when surfaced ...
1958年8月20日,通用动力电船公司在康涅狄格州格罗顿安放了蝎子号的龙骨,于1959 年12月19日下水,于1960 年 7 月 29 日服役。 技术数据 服役动态 损坏情况 1968 年美国海军“蝎子号”船头部分的照片 蝎子号的船头似乎在与海底的海底软泥撞击时打滑,有一条相当大的沟渠。帆已经脱落,它所在的操作舱的船体解体了,...
Permit II (SSN-594: dp. 3,700 (surf.), 4,300 (subm.); 1. 278'5"; b. 31'7"; dr. 25'2"; s. 20+ k. (surf. and subm.); cpl. 105; a. 4 21" tt., SUBROC; cl. Thresher) The second Permit (SSN-594) was laid down by the Mare Island Naval Shipyard in May 1959; ...
《陌上又花开》 电视剧《觉醒年代》 特赦1959 猎豺狼 上海一家人 换一批央视榜单 1 环球视线 俄美“破冰”乌欧“焦虑”? 2 军迷行天下 海上的移动堡垒:传奇“依阿华” 3 T版的M1A2缘何卖出“天价” 兵器面面观 4 紫禁城传奇之神奇的御花园 百家讲坛 5 人形机器人服务生活有多远? 央视财经评论 查...
Swordfish completed fitting out and held her shakedown in the Atlantic. After post-shakedown availability and subsequent sea trials along the east coast, she was assigned a home port in Pearl Harbor, T.H. effective 16 March 1959. She steamed to Hawaii in July and was the second nuclear power...
The contract to build her was awarded to the Ingalls Shipbuilding Corporation in Pascagoula, Mississippi, and her keel was laid down on 9 November 1959. She was launched on 12 February 1962 sponsored by Mrs. Marjorie Fluckey, wife of Rear Admiral Eugene Bennett Fluckey, who earned the Medal...
特赦1959 上海一家人 猎豺狼 换一批央视榜单 1 焦点访谈 她是扎根祖国西部的“高原玫瑰” 2 防务新观察 乌军袭击石油设施“敲打”特朗普 3 国青队距离智利世青赛还有多远 足球之夜 4 这片叶子不仅是调料还是一味中药 生活圈 5 味道鲜美的“彩虹羊排”原来这样做 味道 查看更多 换一换听...