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Originally SSMS displays static caption: "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio". If you have several instances open and try to switch between them using Alt-Tab or task bar you will not be able to see the difference between instances. SSMSBoost makes it possible to redefine the caption of S...
SSMSBoost is brought to you by the team of developers, trying to make life of MSSQL comrades easier. Please feel free to contact us with your comments and proposals Contact for Contact for If you have a blog, web page or preparing s...
SSMSBoost formatting engine SSMSBoost formatting engine offers you a wide variety of options. The best way to learn them is to use a built-inTemplates editorwhich will apply changes to the formatting template while you're editing it. To create/edit a formatting template: Open one of your SQL...
InSSMSBoost->Settings->Grid Visualizersdialog you can configure the list of Visualizers: You can define Visualizer name, file extension for saving data and also a default application to open saved files. If you leaveCommand/Program to executepath empty SSMSBoost will perform "Shell.Open" - for...
SSMSBoost solves this problem with "Copy current cell 1:1" command. To use this feature select the cell you want to view/copy, open context menu and click "Copy current cell 1:1" - full data will be copied to clipboard without any modifications.Download...
You can also script data in JSON format. Use drop-down "Template" menu to select "JSON" and press "Start Scripting" button: Selected data from Results Grid will immideately be scripted to a *.json file in%APPDATA%\SSMSBoostfolder, or any other location that you indicate manually ...
SSMSBoost adds "Copy all Headers" and "Copy selected Headers" commands to the context menu of grid results pane: SSMS add-in with useful tools for SQL Server developers