Download the latest version of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for managing and configuring instances of SQL Server and Azure SQL.
如果您的 SSMS 安裝遇到問題,而且無法經由標準的解除並重新安裝來解決,您可以先嘗試修復 Visual Studio 2015 IsoShell。 若修復 Visual Studio 2015 IsoShell 未解決問題,下列幾個步驟可以修正許多非特定的問題:解除安裝 SSMS 的方式與解除安裝任何應用程式的方式相同 (使用新增或移除程式)。 從提升權限的命令提示字...
The SQL Server PowerShell module is a separate install through the PowerShell Gallery. For more information, seeInstall the SQL Server PowerShell module. What's new For details and more information about what's new in this release, seeRelease notes for SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). ...
如果您的 SSMS 安裝遇到問題,而且無法經由標準的解除並重新安裝來解決,您可以先嘗試修復 Visual Studio 2015 IsoShell。 若修復 Visual Studio 2015 IsoShell 未解決問題,下列幾個步驟可以修正許多非特定的問題:解除安裝 SSMS 的方式與解除安裝任何應用程式的方式相同 (使用新增或...
The SQL Server PowerShell module is a separate install through the PowerShell Gallery. For more information, seeInstall the SQL Server PowerShell module. What's new For details and more information about what's new in this release, seeRelease notes for SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). ...
The SQL Server PowerShell module is a separate install through the PowerShell Gallery. For more information, seeInstall the SQL Server PowerShell module. What's new For details and more information about what's new in this release, seeRelease notes for SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). ...
The SQL Server PowerShell module is a separate install through the PowerShell Gallery. For more information, seeInstall the SQL Server PowerShell module. What's new For details and more information about what's new in this release, seeRelease notes for SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). ...
The SQL Server PowerShell module is a separate install through the PowerShell Gallery. For more information, seeInstall the SQL Server PowerShell module. What's new For details and more information about what's new in this release, seeRelease notes for SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). ...
Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Applications 2019 这些组件不会卸载,因为它们可以与其他产品共享。 如果卸载,可能会面临禁用其他产品的风险。 使用Azure Data Studio 进行安装 SSMS 默认在版本 18.7 到 19.3 中安装 Azure Data Studio。 SSMS 不会安装具有 SSMS 20.0 及更高版本的 Azure Data Studio。
Generally, the damage of some based libraries of SSMS like Visual Studio Shell or Visual C++ will cause the problem. Please repair Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable and Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Shell (Isolated) in Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Programs and Featu...