Object Explorer Updated Object Explorer to display table names prefixed with schema in Graph edge constraint connections.Bug fixes in 20.1Expand table FeatureDetails Maintenance Plans Resolved issue where Backup Database Task dialog closed after selecting the Files and Filegroups radio button in the ...
Filter by name: Filter by schema: To clear the filter, right-clickTables, and then selectRemove Filter. Access your SQL Server error log The error log is a file that contains details about things that occur in your SQL Server instance. You can browse and query the error login SSMS. The...
Object ExplorerUpdated Object Explorer to display table names prefixed with schema in Graph edge constraint connections. Bug fixes in 20.1 FeatureDetails Maintenance PlansResolved issue where Backup Database Task dialog closed after selecting theFiles and Filegroupsradio button in the dialog. ...
select a.parsing_schema_name schema, a.sql_id, a.sql_text, b.object_name, b.cnt from v$sql a, (select * from (select sql_id, child_number, object_owner, object_name, object_type, count(*) cnt from v$sql_plan where object_owner = 'SCOTT' group by sql_id, child_number, object...
(1- @is_disable)OPENcur_indexes;FETCHNEXTFROMcur_indexesINTO@ix_name, @tb_schema, @tb_object_name;WHILE@@FETCH_STATUS=0BEGINSET@sql_index = N'ALTER INDEX '+QUOTENAME(@ix_name) + N' ON '+QUOTENAME(@tb_schema) + N'.'+QUOTENAME(@tb_object_na...
Object Explorer Updated Object Explorer to display table names prefixed with schema in Graph edge constraint connections.Bug fixes in 20.1Proširi tablicu FeatureDetails Maintenance Plans Resolved issue where Backup Database Task dialog closed after selecting the Files and Filegroups radio button in...
alter database testSplit add filegroup ByIdGroup9 alter database testSplit add filegroup ByIdGroup10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 2.创建数据文件到文件组里面 可以点击数据库属性在文件里面添加 T-sql语法: alter database <数据库名称> add file <数据标识> to filegroup <文...
A database or schema name can be a variable which makes it impossible to show suggestions for objects of such schemas and databases. SQL Complete takes the values of variables from the text of the document you're working with and suggests objects just as in cases with standard SQL scripts....
(CASE WHEN ps.index_id < 2 THEN ps.row_count ELSE 0 END) FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats as ps WITH(NOLOCK) INNER JOIN sys.tables as tb WITH(NOLOCK) ON ps.object_id = tb.object_id WHERE tb.is_ms_shipped = 0 GROUP BY tb.object_id,tb.schema_id ORDER BY schema_name,table_...
Object Explorer Updated Object Explorer to display table names prefixed with schema in Graph edge constraint connections.Bug fixes in 20.1Expandera tabell FeatureDetails Maintenance Plans Resolved issue where Backup Database Task dialog closed after selecting the Files and Filegroups radio button in the...