通过一个商品管理示例完成SSM框架的集成,可以将前面学习过的一些内容整合起来。 1.1、SpringMVC 1.客户端发送请求到DispacherServlet(分发器) 2.由DispacherServlet控制器查询HanderMapping,找到处理请求的Controller 3.Controller调用业务逻辑处理后,返回ModelAndView 4.DispacherSerclet查询视图解析器,找到ModelAndView指定的...
SELECT TOP10*FROM (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ID) AS ROWNUMBER,*FROM Demo4 ) AS A WHERE ROWNUMBER>10*(#{page}-1) </mapper> UserMapper.java package com.ssm.mapper; import java.util.List; import com.ssm.model.User;publicinterfaceUserMapper {voidsave(User user); int update(...
(p_name,p_content,p_price,p_image,p_number,type_id,p_date) values('红米4','5英寸 金色 3GB内存 32GB闪存',999,'hm4.jpg',500,1,'2018-01-07'); insert into product_info(p_name,p_content,p_price,p_image,p_number,type_id,p_date) values('红米4X','5英寸 黑色 3GB内存 32GB闪存...
><!DOCTYPE mapperPUBLIC"-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper3.0//EN" "http://mybatis.org/dtd/mybatis-3-mapper.dtd"><mapper namespace="org.example.mapper.UserMapper"><resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="org.example.model.User"><idcolumn="id" jdbcType="INTEGER" property="id"/><resultcolumn="use...
# sysname SwitchC # vlan batch 12 21 31 # multicast ipv6 routing-enable # acl ipv6 number 2000 rule 5 permit source FF3E::/64 # ospfv3 100 router-id area # interface Vlanif12 ipv6 enable ipv6 address FC00:0:0:6::1/64 pim ipv6 sm ospfv3 100 area
# sysname SwitchC # vlan batch 12 21 31 # multicast ipv6 routing-enable # acl ipv6 number 2000 rule 5 permit source FF3E::/64 # ospfv3 100 router-id area # interface Vlanif12 ipv6 enable ipv6 address FC00:0:0:6::1/64 pim ipv6 sm ospfv3 100 area 0.0...
public class HQLQueryExample { public static void main(String[] args) { // 创建 SessionFactory,这通常是在应用启动时完成的,而不是在每次查询时 SessionFactory sessionFactory = new Configuration() .configure("hibernate.cfg.xml") // 加载 Hibernate 配置文件 .addAnnotatedClass(User.class) // 注册实...
ssm弹幕视频网站系统功能介绍 1.系统使用SSM/springboot框架实现,前段技术使用html+js+css+layui+jsp实现,数据库采用mysql 2.系统分为用户前端和管理员后台管理,前端用户分为会员和非会员。非会员可以通过充值卡进行会员充值 3.后台管理员功能:视频分类管理,视频内容管理,留言内容管理,问卷题目管理,问卷结果管理,视频...
For Linux patch titles, you can use one or more wildcards in any position to expand the number of package matches. For example:'*32:9.8.2-0.*.rc1.57.amzn1'. For example: apt package version 1.2.25 is currently installed on your instance, but version 1.2.27 is now available. ...
Here's an example CLI command: aws ssm deregister-managed-instance --instance-id "mi-1234567890" To remove the remaining registration information for the agent, remove the IdentityConsumptionOrder key in the amazon-ssm-agent.json file. Then, depending on your installation type, run one of the...