A drug sales website is designed by using Java development technology and SSM framework. The system mainly realizes login registration, drug information management, shopping cart and order management. Through the system,the use of information technology to improve the level of pharmacy management, on ...
关键字:服饰商品, JAVA, 购物车, 数据库 Abstract The graduation thesis topic for the beauty makeup sales site, the design and implementation of the first introduces the selected topic significance beauty makeup sales site, and then put forward a related field based on site the introduction of cu...
Spring是一个开源框架,Spring是于2003 年兴起的一个轻量级的Java 开发框架,由Rod Johnson 在其著作Expert One-On-One J2EE Development and Design中阐述的部分理念和原型衍生而来。它是为了解决企业应用开发的复杂性而创建的。Spring使用基本的JavaBean来完成以前只可能由EJB完成的事情。然而,Spring的用途不仅限于服务器...
design and implementation of an online education learning platform based on SSM, improve the use experience and learning effect of students, teachers and administrators, and make contributions to the development of education. Based on SSM online education learning platform uses Java language as the ...
based on the framework of SSM and the development environment of the system, etc. Next, the outline of the whole program is sketched through the analysis and design of the system requirements, which includes the design of the system functional modules, the construction of the system structure ...
本项目是采用了springmvc,spring,mybatis框架进行设计与实现的。项目采用了jdk1.8的版本,web服务器采用tomcat 8,数据库服务器采用了mysql,前台页面的显示使用了JavaScript,CSS,jquery等技术进行编写。使用java面向对象的思想对类和接口进行设计,使网站具有可扩展性,便于维护等优点。
webui需要创建一个使用webapp骨架的maven项目: 完成的项目结构如下: 四、添加各模块间的依赖 子模块默认是继承父模块的,这里全部使用按需依赖。 dao模块的pom: 代码语言:javascript 复制 此代码由Java架构师必看网-架构君整理<dependencies><dependency><groupId>com.zhangguo.ssm01</groupId><artifactId>Ssm01-commo...
关键词:动漫推荐,动漫,ssm,Java Abstract With the development of information technology, the management system based on web mode is gradually popularized, and searching information online is currently a popular mode. The animation recommendation platform system based on ssm can adapt to the modern fast...
The development of an SSM based online classroom website uses Java language as the backend programming language, MySQL as the database, and SSM mode and related technologies to achieve the required system design. For students, this system mainly has functions such as login, course viewing, course...