如果不想使用命令方式安装的话,还可以直接访问该项目的【https://github.com/nabla-c0d3/sslyze/releases】下载SSLyze最新版本的预编译Windows可执行程序。 以CI/CD方式使用 默认配置下,SSLyze将会对目标服务器执行安全检测,并根据Mozilla推荐的TLS配置来检查扫描结果,如果目标服务器不兼容,则返回非零退出码: 代码语言...
请查看 api_sample.py 的 Python API 示例。 Windows 可执行文件 在Release处有个预编译的 windows 可执行文件,你也可以通过下面的方法来生成: python.exe setup_py2exe.py py2exe
SSLyze是一款使用python实现的SSL扫描工具,它可以扫描出SSL中一些经典的配置错误。SSLyze还为高级用户提供了一个简单的插件接 口,使得用户可以自由定制SSLyze。 SSLyze开放源代码、跨平台、支持windows/linux 32位和64位系统。 SSLyze需要OPENSSL支持,直接下载解压即可使用。 http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/home/13...
I am also adding the fact that I can connect to the server just fine from a browser by simply installing the self-signed CA file as trusted in Windows. UPDATE: The errors do not show up in version 5.2.0, so this issue probably has to do with switching to the Python Cryptography certi...
OS: Windows 10 Python version: 3.8Author weddige commented Mar 4, 2021 If the increase in the term makes this check undesirable, I would be also happy about an optional plugin (not included in --regular) to perform this check. Owner nabla-c0d3 commented Mar 5, 2021 Hello and thanks...
In 2016 developers Mathy Vanhoef and Tom Van Goethem demonstrated at Black Hat 'HTTP Encrypted Information can be Stolen through TCP-windows'aka HEIST. HEIST works by exploiting the way HTTPS responses are delivered over TCP and does not require a MITM attack. All is takes is a JavaScript ...
guid=4958334397483103465" target="_blank">SSLyze是一款使用python实现的SSL扫描工具,它可以扫描出SSL中一些经典的配置错误。SSLyze还为高级用户提供了一个简单的插件接 口,使得用户可以自由定制SSLyze。 SSLyze开放源代码、跨平台、支持windows/linux 32位和64位系统。 SSLyze 0.4 发布了,主要改进内容: 支持 OpenS...
SSLyze requires Python 2.7; the supported platforms are Windows 7 32/64 bits, Linux 32/64 bits and OS X 64 bits. SSLyze is statically linked with OpenSSL. For this reason, the easiest way to run SSLyze is to download one the pre-compiled packages available in the GitHub releases section ...