SSL Labs 推出的全球知名的 SSL 网站在线检测工具,会对 HTTPS 网站的证书链、安全性、性能、协议细节进行全面检测,检测完毕后会进行打分,同时给出一份详细的检测报告和改进建议。 测试网站: 测试规则概述 2020 年算法变更 January 2020 主要是修改了 TLS 1.0 和 TLS 1.1 的评...
理论上 Windows & IIS 不支持 TLS_FALLBACK_SCSV,所以无法 A+,但是开启 HSTS,并仅启用 TLS1.2 可以获得 A+ 得分,这样就不存在协议降级风险。 Microsoft 的 SSL 基于 Schannel 实现,与 OpenSSL 无关(或称 Microsoft TLS)。 Schannel is a Security Support Provider (SSP) that implements the Secure Sockets ...
HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW SSL? If you want to learn more about the technology that protects the Internet, you’ve come to the right place. Test your server »Test your site’s certificate and configurationTest your browser »Test your browser’s SSL implementationSSL Pulse »See how other ...
Test duration 135.33 seconds HTTP status code 404 HTTP server signature Web Server hostname - Why is my certificate not trusted?There are many reasons why a certificate may not be trusted. The exact problem is indicated on the report card in bright red. The problems fall into three categorie...
ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:40m; ssl_session_timeout 4h; # Enable session tickets ssl_session_tickets on; ... } Now we got A+, the website performance was much better and no more issues opening the website. Nginx SSL module SSL Labs Server Test...
No secure protocols supported - if you get this message, but you know that the site supports SSL, wait until the cache expires on its own, then try again, making sure the hostname you enter uses the "www" prefix (e.g., "", not just ""). no more ...
0-RTT enabled No HTTP Requests 1 (HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error) Miscellaneous Test date Sun, 23 Feb 2025 08:18:28 UTC Test duration 229.369 seconds HTTP status code 500 HTTP server signature Apache Server hostname SSL Report v2.3.1Co...
This free online service performs a deep analysis of the configuration of any SSL web server on the public Internet. Please note that the information you submit here is used only to provide you the service. We don't use the domain names or the test results, and we never will....
No secure protocols supported - if you get this message, but you know that the site supports SSL, wait until the cache expires on its own, then try again, making sure the hostname you enter uses the "www" prefix (e.g., "", not just ""). no more ...
Broken links for SSL Client test #980 openedOct 22, 2024bymeikl Broken link for RC4 cipher warning #979 openedAug 28, 2024byMrTastix Broken link for OpenSSL CCS vulnerability (CVE-2014-0224) warning #978 openedAug 28, 2024byMrTastix ...