ssl_reject_handshake on; 指令详解 1. 指令含义 ssl_reject_handshake on; 是一条在 Nginx 的 SSL/TLS 配置中使用的指令。它用于控制 Nginx 服务器在 SSL/TLS 握手过程中遇到不匹配或不受支持的客户端请求时的行为。简而言之,当这条指令被启用时,Nginx 服务器会在检测到不合适的 SSL/TLS 握手请求时,主动...
ClientHello 中是带着 SNI 的,所以其实握手阶段是可以知道访问的域名是否合法的,NGINX 1.19.4 中添加了一个新的配置项 ssl_reject_handshake 用于拒绝握手,也就不会提供证书。 server { listen 443 default_server; server_name _; ssl_reject_handshake on; }...
listen 443 ssl http2; ssl_reject_handshake on; } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 最后保存配置即可。 注意:ssl_reject_handshake需要 Nginx 至少是 1.91.x 以上版本才支持哦! 2、一定要开启 Nginx 的站点日志 站点日志的作用非常重要,这点儿明月在【说说 Nginx 日志(Log)在网站安全上的重要性】一文里已经强调过了,...
Nginx 1.19.4 introduced a new feature called "ssl_reject_handshake" which can be used to block unwanted SSL handshakes. I noticed that, when enabled, it effectively turns off TLSv1.3. I opened the following ticket:
PS:目前最新的NGINX 1.19 已经直接支持设置ssl_reject_handshake,即终止 SSL 握手阶段,可以直接不发送证书。方法如下 要求nginx 版本 1.19.4 以上、(编译进 nginx 的)OpenSSL 版本 1.1.1i 以上,具体请执行 nginx -V 查看 nginx version 和 built with OpenSSL 的值】 ...
ssl_reject_handshake ssl_session_cache ssl_session_ticket_key ssl_session_tickets ssl_session_timeout ssl_stapling ssl_stapling_file ssl_stapling_responder ssl_stapling_verify ssl_trusted_certificate ssl_verify_client ssl_verify_depth Error Processing ...
7921 7925 certificates eap-tls ise mic reject 0 Helpful Comments Per Johansson Level 1 06-08-2016 05:28 AM Hello I facing the same setup as with 7925G phones. Have solved the certificate in the 7925 but have i problems with the ise config. How did you set...
Do the affected windows machines have the correct time/date when they reject the ISE certificate? If AD joined, they should sync time/date with AD using udp 123 - is this port open for unauthenticated clients? hth Andy 0 Helpful Reply tiadmin11 Level 1 In response ...
NetScaler issues - some NetScaler versions appear to reject SSL handshakes that do not include certain suites or handshakes that use a few suites. If the test is failing and there is a NetScaler load balancer in place, that's most likely the reason. Unexpected failure - our tests are desig...
psql: SSL error: sslv3 alert handshake failure FATAL: client authentication failedDETAIL: no pool_hba.conf entry for host "X.X.X.X", user "dbmsowner, database "postgres", SSL off Before hotfix it is working, it says client authentication failed but I can still login to postgre...