除了设置$mail->SMTPSecure参数外,你还可以通过其他参数来进一步配置TLS/SSL安全性参数。 1. 设置TLS版本: 在某些情况下,你可能需要指定使用特定版本的TLS。然而,需要注意的是,并非所有的PHP版本和服务器环境都支持指定TLS版本。你可以尝试使用$mail->SMTPOptions参数来设置TLS版本,但请注意其兼容性和可用性。 2. ...
There are 2 kinds of secure connections for SMTP, one is SSL and the other is TLS. Some SMTP servers support only one kind and some support both. Generally speaking, the port for SSL is 465, and the port for TLS is 587, but this is not always the case. In addition to the ports ...
importsmtplib mailserver=smtplib.SMTP('smtp.office365.com',587)mailserver.ehlo()mailserver....
There are 2 kinds of secure connections for SMTP, one is SSL and the other is TLS. Some SMTP servers support only one kind and some support both. Generally speaking, the port for SSL is 465, and the port for TLS is 587, but this is not always the case. In addition to the ports ...
目前微软MSDN已经将System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient标记为已过期(obsolete),但源码中并未标记,也并未给出替代实现。 二、解决办法 1、使用System.Web.Mail System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail虽然已被标记为已过期,但是毕竟他支持新的SSL/TLS协议。 不过,需要注意的是,System.Web.Mail.SmtpMail,只适用于 .NET Framework(>=2....
目前最新版本是TLS 1.3,其他可用版本是TLS 1.2和TLS 1.1,其中TLS1.1计划于2020年弃用 所以,目前主流的邮箱服务商加密协议使用的都是TLS。 但是System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient不支持较新的TLS协议,具体的TLS协议版本支持情况MSDN上并未找到相关说明 截止到2020年3月受影响的框架版本: ...
SMTP发送邮件工具类(C++版本) 支持 SSL 上传者:zhengchen10时间:2018-02-28 发邮件,支持SSL\TLS,支持Gmail、Hotmail、yahoo 项目中需要用到发邮件的功能,之前一直是用JMAIL做的,后来发现不支持GMAIL、Hotmail之类的邮箱,因为需要SSL\TLS验证,现在这份代码很好的实现了这一功能 ...
Send SMTP Mail Message: An error occurred while attempting to establish an SSL or TLS connection. One possibility is that you are trying to connect to a port which does not support SSL/TLS. The other possibility is that the SSL certificate presented by the server ...
The procedure in this topic describes how to enable SSL or TLS connection for communications drivers. In this procedure, you define parameters that relate to the communications drivers. When you define the parameters, including SMTP Account Name and SMTP Account Password, an attempt is ma...