直播总线压缩插件推荐 SSL Native Bus Compressor2 适合新手用的总线压缩#声卡调试 #音乐制作 #声卡调试教程 #总线压缩 - 张洋音频工作室于20230711发布在抖音,已经收获了9.3万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
在混音完成后,总线处理的第一步使用SSL Native Bus Compressor 2为你的歌曲添加更多融合度 #混音 #人声混音 #贴唱混音 #分轨混音 #说唱混音 热榜推荐 1月6日(发布),四川宜宾。网传一小区保安殴打一名女子,拳拳击头 脚踢面部,警方:还在处理中。 1.0万新闻夜航 邯郸文旅主打听劝!来邯郸享受松弛的一天🥰 #邯郸...
Engineered by SSL, the SSL Bus Compressor 2 plug-in is an accurate emulation of the legendary G-Series Bus Compressor, featuring the same compression characteristics and sound quality as the original unit. Variable attack and release Quickly adjust the timing of the compressor response using the ...
Solid State Logic Native Bus Compressor 2 v1.0.55-R2R| 20.0MB SSL 1980 年代 G 系列模拟调音台的中央部分压缩器是音频制作的传奇。这是无数经典录音背后的秘密。它是一个简单的单位,目的很简单;它使完整的混音听起来更大,具有更多的力量、冲击力和驱动力。它在不影响清晰度的情况下为您的混音带来凝聚力和...
emulations of G BUS Comp including SSL's one, so I was very eager to check out the native demo from UAD and I am delighted. I played with the original HW on a large console, but I don't have it. I have one from another company, with digital recall. I always test compressor ...
This is hands down the best SSL Bus Compressor plugin! Nothing else to say. I'd pay $1000 for it! A. Lau October 10, 2024 Still the best SSL 4K in the box UA's DSP plugin has always been the best way to mix with the classic SSL 4000 E channel strip in the box. Now the plu...
Bundled with the Nucleus are two of SSL's well‑regarded Duende‑series plug‑ins: SSL Channel and SSL Bus Compressor. Both are provided in their new Native incarnations, such that they can operate independently of Duende hardware.
The complete SSL Native v6 Bundle includes Channelstrip, Vocalstrip, Drumstrip, Bus Compressor, X-Phase, X-EQ, X-Comp, X-ValveComp, and X-Saturator, and is available in AAX, VST3 / VST 2, and AU formats. www.solidstatelogic.com/studio/ssl-native ...
In addition to the SSL X-EQ 2, he has also recently put the Bus Compressor and X-ValveComp through its paces: “With the Bus Compressor, I dial in the settings that I’m used to on the hardware version and I get a sound that’s fully SSL...
Early & Late Reflection types can be independently selected; for example, Small Room Early Reflections, with a Large Plate Reverb Tail. 6 Band SSL EQ, with 3 bands of reverb time multipliers. Output compressor (applied to reverb only) side-chained by the ‘dry’ input signal; useful to hel...