SSL_library_init (); ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method()); SSL_CTX_free(ctx); ERR_free_strings(); EVP_cleanup(); CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data(); } void usage(char* cmd) { printf( "\ncommand: myssl repeat_count (e.g. myssl 500)\n\n" ); exit( 1 ); } int main(...
package main import( "fmt" ) // int string 参数传递是值传递 非引用类型 // map 参数传...
SSL_library_init (); ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method()); SSL_CTX_free(ctx); ERR_free_strings(); EVP_cleanup(); CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data(); } void usage(char* cmd) { printf( "\ncommand: myssl repeat_count (e.g. myssl 500)\n\n" ); exit( 1 ); } int main(...
这个时候调用doJob()内部又一次调用了lock()由于上个线程将isLocked = true,
LIBS := CSSL #include <openssl/ssl.h> int SSL_library_init(void) Normal return Return code 1 indicates that the function was successful. Error return None. Programming considerations To use this function, you must include the library that is specified in the prototype in your makefile. ...
[训练]OpenSSL中SSL_library_init()函数的内存泄露的测试 测试环境 CentOS 6.2。#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <openssl/ssl.h> #include <openssl/err.h> void mytest() { SSL_CTX *ctx;SSL_load_error_strings();SSL_library_init ();ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_...
SSL_library_init(void); OpenSSL_add_ssl_algorithms(); SSLeay_add_ssl_algorithms(); 事实上 后面的两个函数只是第一个函数的宏。 如果要使用OpenSSL的出错信息,使用SSL_load_error_strings (void)进行错误信息的初始化。以后可以使用void ERR_print_errors_fp(FILE *fp) 打印SSL的错误信息。
OpenSSL中SSL_library_init()函数的内存泄露的测试.doc,测试环境 CentOS 6.2。 #include stdio.h #include stdlib.h #include openssl/ssl.h #include openssl/err.h void mytest() { SSL_CTX *ctx; SSL_load_error_strings(); SSL_library_init (); ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv
SSL_library_init(); ctx=SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method()); SSL_CTX_free(ctx); ERR_free_strings(); EVP_cleanup(); CRYPTO_cleanup_all_ex_data(); } voidusage(char*cmd){ printf("\ncommand:mysslrepeat_count(e.g.myssl500)\n\n"); ...
Hi, I'm writing an IRC bot in Rust that loads plugins through a single shared library (also Rust) at runtime. In my shared library I use hyper, which in effect uses openssl, and when I reload the shared library, the process segfaults, an...