然后,您可以在常规模式下禁用所有扩展程序并一次打开一个扩展程序以找出罪魁祸首。请记住,尽管在隐身模式下默认禁用所有扩展程序,但有一个选项可以启用它们。因此,在以隐身模式打开网页之前,请确保禁用所有扩展程序。隐身窗口在 Edge 上称为InPrivate 窗口,在 Firefox和Safari上称为私有窗口。清除浏览器缓存 您的网...
This morning an update for Edge and Chrome was installed (version 124.0.2478.51) Then suddenly you could not access Google's websites (Gmail, Google, Youtube etc) We got a error that says: ERR_QUIC_Protocol_Error. I tried to disable Experimental QUIC protocol in edge://flags. When i do...
对于套接字功能,我使用了CocoaAsyncSocket (),它在内部使用了原生安全框架中的SSLContext和相关内容。对于自签名证书生成,我使用MyUtilities的MYGetOrCreateAnonymousIdentity函数() 在swift中保护连接的代码如下所示: var error: NSError? = nil if let identity = MYGetOrCreateAnonymousIdentity("MyIdentity" 浏...
这个时候我找到了Chromium官方的bug跟踪平台,通过搜索ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR,发现有用户也反馈了同样的问题,而且就在这两天! 问题原因 仔细阅读了相关帖子后,真相慢慢浮出了水面,这又是一个多因素叠加的巧合事件,或者是一次正常上线引发的蝴蝶效应。 9月28日,Chromium提交了一个标题为Disable SHA1 in TLS server h...
是指在使用Chrome浏览器访问某个网站时,浏览器会显示SSL证书无效的警告,但实际上该证书是有效的。 SSL(Secure Sockets Layer)是一种用于保护网络通信安全的协议,它通过在客...
Additionally, you’ll see a description of why the error occurred and how to handle it. You can get more information by clicking on the ‘Learn more’ option or retry the connection with the ‘Try Again’ button. Edge When using Microsoft Edge for browsing, the error is shown with a mes...
Hi Team, Since the release of Edge 124, our users have been unable to access the website due to ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED or ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR. After searching, we knew it could be figured out by disabling the TLS 1.3 hybridized Kyber support setting…
How to Fix SSL Certificate Error in Chrome /Firefox? Fix 1: Update SSL Certificates The expired certificate is the most common cause of SSL Certificate errors because every certificate has a validity period and the client will refuse certificates that are not within their validity period. When yo...
Learn how to fix the "SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG" Error in Firefox using up to 7 different methods when needed.
Edge: Clickmenu>Help and feedback>About Microsoft Edgeto auto-update Windows. You can also manually update if desired. Install any pending browser updates. Once done, give sites with prior ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR another whirl to see if the update did the trick. ...