or that a certificate that you installed to a site is not trusted, try one of these commands. Check an MD5 hash of the public key to ensure that it matches with what is in a CSR or private key openssl x509 -noout -modulus -in certificate.crt | openssl md5 openssl rsa -noout -modulu...
ssl verify certificate-chain minimum-path-length ssl verify enable trusted-ca load binding cipher-suite-customization Function The binding cipher-suite-customization command configures a name for the SSL cipher suite bound to an SSL policy. The undo binding cipher-suite-customization command deletes th...
Management.Automation.Cmdlet Inheritance Cmdlet GetSslCertificateCommand Attributes CLSCompliantAttribute CmdletAttribute Constructors 展开表 GetSslCertificateCommand() Methods 展开表 ProcessRecord() Applies to 产品版本 Active Directory Federation Services ...
Open the jetty-ssl.xml and jetty-ssl-context.xml configuration files of Jetty to modify certificate-related settings. Run the following command to open the jetty-ssl-context.xml configuration file: vim /usr/local/jetty/etc/jetty-ssl-context.xml In the jetty-ssl-context.xml configuration file...
Problem with your SSL certificate installation? Enter the name of your server and our SSL Certificate checker will help you locate the problem.
To register a certificate, use the following command: httpcfg set ssl /iIP:Port**/hHash/g**Guid Arguments IP:Port IP address and port combination for which you are registering the certificate. Hash Certificate hash. Note The certificate hash can be obtained from the certificate store. This ca...
Switch to a functional directory. On Windows: By default, the utilities are installed inC:\Openssl\bin.Open a command prompt in this location. On Mac OSX/Linux: Open the Terminal window in the directory needed to create the CSR. Create an OpenSSL config file with a te...
The easiest way to check if the website has an SSL installed is to look at your browser; see if the website URL starts with “HTTPS:” as this shows if it has an SSL certificate installed on the server. If so, click the padlock icon in the address bar to view the certificate info...
The tls1.1 parameter in this command can be used only after the weak security algorithm/protocol feature package (WEAKEA) has been installed using the install feature-software WEAKEA command. Load a digital certificate for the SSL policy. By default, no digital certificate is loaded...
Then, import it using the following command: keytool -import -trustcacerts -alias tomcat -file certificate.p7b -keystore yourkeystore.jks Where: tomcat is the actual alias of your keystore certificate.p7b is the actual name/path to your certificate file yourkeystore.jks is the actua...