@文心快码BaiduComatessl certificate with wrong hostname 文心快码BaiduComate 关于“SSL证书主机名错误”的问题,这通常指的是SSL证书中指定的主机名(或域名)与尝试访问该证书的主机名不一致。这会导致浏览器或其他客户端显示安全警告,提示用户该网站的安全证书存在问题。以下是解决此问题的步骤: 确认SSL证书上的主机...
Due to this behavior of Synchronization a vulnerability is reported by Nessus vulnerability scanner (Plugin ID 45411 : SSL Certificate with Wrong Hostname). This is perceived as security vulnerability by some users as the 'commonName' (CN) attribute of the SSL certificate presented for this servic...
The 'commonName' (CN) attribute of the SSL certificate presented for this service is for a different machine. Solution Purchase or generate a proper SSL certificate for this service. Plugin Details Severity:Medium ID:45411 File Name:ssl_cert_wrong_host.nasl ...
svn: E230001: Server SSL certificate verification failed certificate issued for a different hostname 意思是服务器的SSL证书验证失败,证书为不同主机名颁发。 解决方法: 通过命令在本机接受证书即可,方法如下: 用管理员身份打开CMD命令窗口: 运行---所有程序---附件---命令提示符 右键 以管理员身份运行 执行...
svn: E230001: Server SSL certificate verification failed certificate issued for a different hostname 意思是服务器的SSL证书验证失败,证书为不同主机名颁发。 解决方法: 通过命令在本机接受证书即可,方法如下: 用管理员身份打开CMD命令窗口: 运行---所有程序---附件---命令提示符 右键 以管理员身份运行 执行...
意思是服务器的SSL证书验证失败,证书为不同主机名颁发。 解决方法: 用管理员身份打开CMD并执行如下命令 svn ls https://ip/svn/xxxx 将ip替换为你要访问的svn仓库的ip,将xxxx 替换为项目目录地址 然后会让你选择R(拒绝)、t(暂时接受)、或者p(永久接受) ...
The error you are seeing is because certificate CN/SAN name mismatch than that of hostname. Let me try to explain you with an example. client [A]--> Balancer[B] -->NIFI Nodes[C,D,E] Here you have a client A who wants to access NIFI nodes C,D and E and he want...
ipa-client-install失败并显示以下错误: Raw ssl.SSLCertVerificationError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: Hostname mismatch, certificate is not valid for 'ipaserver.example.com'. (_ssl.c:1129) 2023-01-12T12:48:13Z INFO Connection to https://ipaserver.example.com/ip...
Microsoft Edge– “There is a problem with your website’s security certificate” Safari– “Safari can’t verify the identity of the website” How to fix “This site can’t provide a secure connection” err_ssl_protocol_error? In this section, we will discuss the possible local or server...