API groups that contain HTTPS-compatible APIs must have their independent domain names bound with SSL certificates. SSL certificates are used for data encryption and iden
API标题API概述 UpdateCACertificateStatus更新CA证书状态将根CA证书或子CA证书的状态由正常签发修改为吊销。 DescribeCACertificateCount查询已创建的CA证书的数量查询已创建的CA证书的数量。 DescribeCACertificate查询单个根CA证书或子CA证书的详细信息插件CA详情 ...
服务接入点 API参考(SSL证书) API概览 授权信息 API目录 版本说明 API参考(私有证书) CLI集成示例 服务支持 视频专区 首页数字证书管理服务(原SSL证书)开发参考API参考(SSL证书) API参考(SSL证书) 更新时间:2023-06-26 10:17:10 产品详情 我的收藏
apigateway实例详情 - 异步关联云资源数据结构 被如下接口引用:DescribeCertificateBindResourceTaskDetail。 名称类型描述 Region String 地域示例值:ap-guangzhou InstanceList Array of ApiGatewayInstanceDetail apigateway实例详情 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 TotalCount Integer 该地域下apigateway实例总...
For browsers which support Web Cryptography (all modern browsers) we generate a private key in your browser using theWeb Cryptography APIand the private key isnever transmitted. The private key also gets deleted off your browser after the certificate is generated. If your browserdoes not supportth...
Trying to access Real Time Optimized via Websocket API and ran into SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED. Below is the console log / error log for the same. /usr/local/bin/python3.9 /Users/XXXXX/PycharmProjects/Refiniiv-websocket-api/Applications/Examples/RDP/
foriinrange(len(domain_name)): client=ssl_client.SslClient(cred,"", clientProfile) try: req=models.ApplyCertificateRequest() params={ "DvAuthMethod":"DNS_AUTO", "DomainName":domain_name[i] } req.from_json_string(json.dumps(params)) ...
versionofthis certificateinthe future, simply run certbot-auto again.Tonon-interactively renew *all*ofyour certificates, run"certbot-auto renew"-Ifyou like Certbot, please consider supporting our work by: DonatingtoISRG / Let'sEncrypt: https://letsencrypt.org/donate ...
.NET for Android (.NET for Android API 33, .NET for Android API 34) SslCertificate(String, String, String, String) Caution deprecated Creates a new SSL certificate object C# 複製 [Android.Runtime.Register(".ctor", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Str...
使用Web API 的外部身份验证服务 (C#) 在Web API 中抵御跨站点请求伪造 (CSRF) 攻击 在Web API 2 中启用跨域请求 Web API 2 中的身份验证筛选器 Web API 中的基本身份验证 Web API 中的 Forms 身份验证 Windows 集成身份验证 使用SSL 部署和承载 ...