1. 证书文件(Certificate File):通常以 .crt 或 .pem 扩展名结尾;这个文件包含了公钥和证书的详细信息,如证书的颁发机构、有效期等。2. 私钥文件(Private Key File):通常以 .key 或 .pem 扩展名结尾;私钥文件包含了与证书相对应的私钥,用于加密和解密数据。3. 中间证书文件(Intermediate Certificate Fi...
SSLCertificateKeyFile /home/admin/web-deploy/conf/ssl/server.key SSLCertificateChainFile /home/admin/web-deploy/conf/ssl/intermediate.crt SetEnvIf User-Agent ".*MSIE.*" nokeepalive ssl-unclean-shutdown downgrade-1.0 force-response-1.0 </VirtualHost>...
<Certificate certificateFile="/opt/ssl_file/server.crt" certificateKeyFile="/opt/ssl_file/server.key" certificateChainFile="/opt/ssl_file/root.crt" type="RSA"/></SSLHostConfig></Connector> 3)保存并关闭server.xml文件 2.4 确认web.xml文件(可选) 如需配置HTTP请求自动跳转HTTPS,可执行本节操作...
respectively. MakeCert.exe creates an X.509 certificate. It creates a public and private key pair for digital signatures and stores it in a certificate file. This tool also associates the key pair with a specified publisher and creates an X.509 certificate that binds a user-specified name to...
SSLCertificateChainFile"C:/apache/conf/ssl.crt/root_bundle.crt" 4.重新启动 Apache 服务器,即可使用https://cloud.tencent.com进行访问。 如果浏览器地址栏显示安全锁标识,则说明证书安装成功,如下图所示: 如果网站访问异常,请参见以下常见问题解决方案进行处理: ...
SSLCertificateKeyFile "D:/Apache2.2/conf/server.key" 二、为网站服务器生成证书及私钥文件 1. 生成服务器Apache的一个RSA私钥 openssl genrsa -out server.key 1024 生成了一个1024字节的文件server.key,生成证书签署请求CSR 2. 生成签署申请 openssl req -new –out server.csr -key server.key -config ....
private key, you cannot use the certificate we issue to you and will need to request a free reissue. To ensure this never happens, we advise that a backup of the private key file is made and that a note is made of the password that is used to protect the export of the private key...
private key, you cannot use the certificate we issue to you and will need to request a free reissue. To ensure this never happens, we advise that a backup of the private key file is made and that a note is made of the password that is used to protect the export of the private key...
An SSL certificate is a data file hosted in a website's origin server. SSL certificates make SSL/TLS encryption possible, and they contain the website's public key and the website's identity, along with related information. Devices attempting to communicate with the origin server will ...
SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/httpd/ssl/root_bundle.crt </VirtualHost> 9.重新启动 Apache 服务器,即可使用https://cloud.tencent.com进行访问。 如果浏览器地址栏显示安全锁标识,则说明证书安装成功。如下图所示: 如果网站访问异常,可参考以下常见问题解决方案进行处理: ...