域名证书(Domain Name Certificate)是一种由数字证书颁发机构(Certificate Authority,简称CA)签发的电子文件,用于证明网站的身份和加密通信的安全性。域名证书是用于保护网站和用户之间的数据传输,确保数据的机密性和完整性。 SSL证书(Secure Sockets Layer Certificate)是一种特定类型的域名证书,用于加密网站和用户之间的数...
SSL certificate bound with a domain name. A domain name can bind to only one certificate. The certificate_ids field in the request body can contain only one certificate I
Common Name is used to specify the host or server identity. When a client try to connect to a remote server like HTTP server it will first get the SSL certificate of this server. Then compare the Host name or domain name it want to connect with the Common Name provided in the SSL cert...
SSLCertificateChainFile cert/domainname1_chain.crt # 将domainname1_chain.crt替换成您证书的密钥文件名;证书链开头如果有#字符,请删除。 </VirtualHost> #如果证书包含多个域名,复制以上参数,并将ServerName替换成第二个域名。 <VirtualHost *:443> ServerName #修改为申请证书时绑定的第二个域名www.dexunyun...
Authentication: SSL certificates verify that a client is talking to the correct server that actually owns the domain. This helps prevent domain spoofing and other kinds of attacks. HTTPS: Most crucially for businesses, an SSL certificate is necessary for an HTTPS web address. HTTPS is the secure...
SSL certificates are associated with domains. When you purchase the certificate, you need to select a domain type based on site requirements.To learn more about domain na
server_name localhost;# localhost修改为您证书绑定的域名。ssl on;#设置为on启用SSL功能。root html;indexindex.html index.htm; ssl_certificate cert/domain name.pem;#将domain name.pem替换成您证书的文件名。ssl_certificate_key cert/domain name.key;#将domain name.key替换成您证书的密钥文件名。ssl_sess...
Domain SSL Certificates An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that creates an encrypted connection between your web server and your visitors’ browsers. This security tool allows private information like credit card details to transmit securely. Name.com, a trusted certificate authority, makes it...
目前的SSL证书是不支持多域名的,一个SSL证书绑定一个域名。WoSign针对广大用户对支持多域名的需求,全球独家推出了多域名SSL证书(Multi-Domain Certificate),也就是说:一个多域名SSL证书可以同时用于同一台物理服务器上的所有网站域名的SSL安全加密。 一般来讲,SSL证书是绑定域名的,一个SSL证书对应一个域名,一个Web...
dcdn:SetDcdnDomainSSLCertificate none *Domain acs:dcdn:*:{#accountId}:domain/{#domainName} 无 无 请求参数 名称类型必填描述示例值 DomainName string 是 证书所属的服务域名,需属于 HTTPS 加速类型。 example.com CertName string 否 证书名称,目前只支持单个证书名称,只有 CertType=upload 时生效。 CertTy...