域名证书(Domain Name Certificate)是一种由数字证书颁发机构(Certificate Authority,简称CA)签发的电子文件,用于证明网站的身份和加密通信的安全性。域名证书是用于保护网站和用户之间的数据传输,确保数据的机密性和完整性。 SSL证书(Secure Sockets Layer Certificate)是一种特定类型的域名证书,用于加密网站和用户之间的数...
View the configured SSL certificate Log on to the Alibaba Cloud CDN console. In the left-side navigation pane, choose HTTPS Center. On the Certificate Center page, click the certificate that you configured for the domain name. You can view the information about the SSL certificate configur...
Unbind an SSL certificate from a domain name. A domain name can unbind from only one certificate. The certificate_ids field in the request body can contain only one certi
Authentication: SSL certificates verify that a client is talking to the correct server that actually owns the domain. This helps prevent domain spoofing and other kinds of attacks. HTTPS: Most crucially for businesses, an SSL certificate is necessary for an HTTPS web address. HTTPS is the secure...
SSL certificates are associated with domains. When you purchase the certificate, you need to select a domain type based on site requirements.To learn more about domain na
server_name localhost;# localhost修改为您证书绑定的域名。ssl on;#设置为on启用SSL功能。root html;indexindex.html index.htm; ssl_certificate cert/domain name.pem;#将domain name.pem替换成您证书的文件名。ssl_certificate_key cert/domain name.key;#将domain name.key替换成您证书的密钥文件名。ssl_sess...
SSL证书,英文全称Secure Sockets Layer certificate,SSL 证书是数字证书的一种,其遵守SSL协议,由受信任的数字证书颁发机构CA(如锐安信、Sectigo),在验证服务器身份后颁发,具有服务器身份验证和数据传输加密功能。 5、DV SSL DV SSL,英文全称Domain Validated SSL Certificates,DV SSL证书,又名域名验证证书,DV SSL只需...
Domain String 否 www.test.com 输入需要查询的防护网站域名。 AccurateQuery Integer 是 0 是否模糊匹配。 0:模糊匹配 1:精确匹配 返回参数参数 类型 示例值 描述 PageInfo PageInfo object -... CertificateID Integer 369 证书 ID,协议类型包含 HTTPS 时显示。 CertificateName String certicifate1 证书协议类型...
DV (domain validation) Domain validation or DV certificates are verified according to the domain name. Typically, this is done by sending an email to an address listed in the WHOIS record from the domain. This is similar to an AV certificate, which is listed next, but it’s different in...
Tool Box - Retrieve Certificate,选择申请证书的域名,将框中的内容保存为.crt文件。比如ssl.crt。这个就是证书文件啦。 apache服务器,上传ssl2.key和ssl.crt这两个文件,修改配置文件设置。 注册注意事项必须使用你的家庭地址填写,并且必须尽量详细,否则审批可能不通过。