將網域連線至HubSpot時,系統會自動為網域佈建SSL。 然而,在某些情況下,可能會出現錯誤。 若要排除SSL故障,請按照以下步驟操作: 在你的 HubSpot 帳戶中,點擊頂端導覽列中的settings「設定圖示」。 在左側邊欄選單中,前往「內容」>「網域與網址」。 在頂部找出錯誤。 然後,請按照以下各個疑難排解步驟進行。 為< ...
当SSL证书审核失败时,您可以根据本文排查审核失败的原因,解决后请重新提交证书申请。 说明 不同的CA中心,SSL证书实际签发的时间可能有所不同,如果SSL证书申请提交很久之后,还是一直在审核中,具体解决方法,请参见证书申请提交很久了,为什么还是审核中?。 域名包含敏感词汇 ...
在此案例中,您會將 SQL Server 的實例設定為使用 SSL 憑證。 SSL 憑證會使用增強式密碼編譯提供者 1.0。 當您嘗試在此案例中啟動 SQL Server 服務時,下列錯誤訊息會寫入 SQL Server Errorlog 檔案: 輸出複製 Error: 26014, Severity: 16, State: 1. Unable to load user-specified certificate [Cert Hash(sh...
There was a problem issuing the SSL certificate for <www.yourdomain.com>HubSpot is unable to issue the SSL for the subdomain because it, or its parent domain, has a Certificate Authority Authorization (CAA) record which doesn’t include Google Trust Services. To resolve this, you'll need ...
本文仅帮助你排查与 Internet Information Services (IIS) 相关的安全套接字层 (SSL) 问题。 它涵盖用于服务器身份验证的服务器证书,而不是客户端证书。 如果“客户端证书”部分设置为“需要”,并且遇到问题,则本文不是应引用的。 本文仅用于排查 SSL 服务器证书问题。
申請SSL認證審核失敗有哪些可能原因,Certificate Management Service:當SSL認證審核失敗時,您可以根據本文排查審核失敗的原因,解決後請重新提交認證申請。 不同的CA中心,SSL認證實際簽發的時間可能有所不同,如果SSL認證申請提交很久之後,還是一直在審核中,具體解決
If you're having issues viewing your site over a secure HTTPS connection, follow the steps below to troubleshoot your SSL certificate. Step 1 | Make sure your DNS records are correct For your SSL certificate to be enabled, your domain needs to be connected to your site. ...
In this section, we will discuss the possible local or server-side issues that can cause an ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR and how to troubleshoot them. Any of these may fix the error and you should try them one by one until you find which ones solve the issue. Check for SSL certificate issue...
If you see one of these errors it usually means that the private key that is being loaded in the VirtualHost section of your .conf file doesn't match the SSL Certificate being loaded in the same section. To check if the two files match, run the following OpenSSL command on each of them...
Create the certificate request Any utility or application that creates a valid PKCS #10 request can be used to form the SSL certificate request. Use Certreq to form the request. Certreq.exe requires a text instruction file to generate an appropriate X.509 certificate request for a domain control...