我有4台ingress daemonset服务,分别为154/155/157/158,配置好pods的ingress后154访问正常,证书日期正常,其他三台一直报certificate.lua:259: call(): failed to set DER private key: d2i_PrivateKey_bio() failed, context: ssl_certificate_by_lua* 第一天下午修改dnsPolicy规则,hostNetwork规则,阅读官方文档ingre...
The ssl_certificate_by_lua_block "trivial example" in readme is not even "trivial" - it's a functional no-op that only prints a message and doesn't do any actual ssl stuff: server { listen 443 ssl; server_name test.com; ssl_certificate_by_lua_block { print("About to initiate a ...
使用宝塔国际版搭建好网站后,正准备开启SSL证书,不料安装后,一闪而过,后面在证书夹里找到了SSL证书,但是点击保存的时候,报错:Certificate ERROR,please check!... nginx: [emerg] "lua package path" directive is duplicate in /www/server/panel/vhost/nginx/free wafconf:4 nginx...
nginx -tthen gives me anginx unknown directive “ssl_certificate_by_lua_block”error. Do I misunderstand the installation guide? Is there anything else I need to install? My full configuration is listed on anotherstackoverflow question. That configuration doesn't work, either. ...
Let's Encrypt倒是可以去这里,通过脚本弄个自动更换的证书。不过那要有服务器权限,而且对于复杂配置的...
lua_shared_dict auto_ssl 1m; lua_shared_dict auto_ssl_settings 64k; lua_ssl_trusted_certificate /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt; # 如果 luarocks 安装在别的路径需要打开此项 #lua_package_path "/usr/local/luarocks-3.9.2/lua_modules/share/lua/5.4/?.lua;;"; ...
}# HTTPS serverserver{listen443ssl;# 为 SNI 域名动态处理颁发或返回证书ssl_certificate_by_lua_block{ auto_ssl:ssl_certificate() }# 定义静态的 ssl 证书文件用于 nginx 的启动## 生成备用的自签名证书## openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 3650 -nodes -x509 \# -subj '/CN=sni-support-...
解决openresty发送https请求时 lua ssl certificate verify error lua ssl certificate verify error: (20: unable to get local issuer certificate)问题。发送请求前需要给lua指定一个受信任的证书。lua请求:function _M.http_get(self, url, time...