SSLA/6/SSL_ACCEPT_FAIL:SSL failed to accept the connection.(Error code=[errorcode], Last error code=[lasterrorcode], Verify result=[verifyresult], Socket ID=[socketid], Error string=[STRING]) 日志含义 SSL接受连接失败。 日志参数 可能原因 路由不可达或者SSL证书错误。 处理步骤 先判断设备和SS...
SSL/5/SSL_ACCEPT_FAIL: SSL failed to accept with peer. (FailReason = [FailReason], ErrorCode = [ErrorCode], AppCid = [AppCid], VerifyMode = [VerifyMode]) 日志含义 SSL服务端会话建立失败。 日志参数 参数名称参数含义 FailReason 认证失败原因,包括: The certificate signature used the DSA...
error message: BBOO0042E Function AsynchIOaccept failed with RV=-1, RC=124, RSN=050B0146, ?EDC5124I Too many open files. (errno2=0x0594003D)?? 如果出現此錯誤,請輸入'D OMVS,P。 如果您具有 NOTRUST 發出,則在 'OPNSOCK' 下會出現大量數字。 請檢查您的數位憑證,並確定它們未標示 NOTRUST ...
error message: BBOO0042E Function AsynchIOaccept failed with RV=-1, RC=124, RSN=050B0146, ?EDC5124I Too many open files. (errno2=0x0594003D)?? 如果出現此錯誤,請輸入'D OMVS,P。 如果您具有 NOTRUST 發出,則在 'OPNSOCK' 下會出現大量數字。 請檢查您的數位憑證,並確定它們未標示 NOTRUST ...
// (sock_fd is the file decriptor obtained in the TCP accept() call.) // SSL_set_verify(socket, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, NULL); SSL_set_verify_depth(socket, 4); SSL_set_fd(socket, sock_fd); SSL_accept(socket); Best Regards, Paul R....
(sha1) "%hs"]. The server will not accept a connection. You should verify that the certificate is correctly installed. See "Configuring Certificate for Use by SSL" in Books Online. Error: 17182, Severity: 16, State: 1. TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x80092004, status code...
(sha1) "%hs"]. The server will not accept a connection. You should verify that the certificate is correctly installed. See "Configuring Certificate for Use by SSL" in Books Online. Error: 17182, Severity: 16, State: 1. TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x80092004, status code...
(Macintosh\;\ Intel\ Mac\ OS\ X\ 13.3.1\)\ curl/7.87.0 --header Accept-Language:\ en --retry 3 --header Accept:\ application/vnd.oci.image.index.v1\+json --header Authorization:\ Bearer\ QQ== --fail --location --silent --head
Oct1911:21:022d4556c1f79e dovecot:imap-login:Disconnected(no auth attemptsin0secs):user=<>,rip=,lip=,TLShandshaking:SSL_accept()failed:error:14094412:SSLroutines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert bad certificate:SSLalert number42,s ...
**背景:**2020年12月8日openssl 发布了 openssl 拒绝服务漏洞 的风险通告,该漏洞编号为 CVE-2020-...