解决方案:选中项目 右键 选择属性 如图将Run64BitRuntime改为FALSE即可 [Excel Destination [31]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER.The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Excel Connection Manager" failed with error code 0xC00F9304.There may be ...
错误: 0xC00F9304,位于 Package, 连接管理器“Excel 连接管理器 1”: SSIS 错误代码 DTS_E_OLEDB_EXCEL_NOT_SUPPORTED:因为没有可用的 OLE DB 访问接口,所以在 SSIS 的 64 位版本中不支持 Excel 连接管理器。 错误: 0xC020801C,位于 数据流任务, Excel 源 [89]: SSIS 错误代码 DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNEC...
SSIS Excel Connection Manager error I'm having issues with excel destination in my SSIS package. I'm using a conditional split to send data to a spread sheet from OLE DB source. I feel the issue is because of the version of excel SSIS allows to choose in the connection manager window. ...
在[匯入和匯出精靈] 的 [選擇資料來源] 或 [選擇目的地] 頁面上,選取 [資料來源] 清單中的 Microsoft Excel。 如果您在資料來源清單中看不到 Excel,請確定是否執行 32 位元精靈。 Excel 連線元件均通常是 32 位元檔案,在 64 位元精靈中不會顯示。 Excel 檔案和檔案路徑 要提供資訊...
了解如何使用 SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) 导入或导出 Excel 数据,以及先决条件、已知问题和限制。
My machine is vista -64bit. While debugging I get the following errors which do not help me much...can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? 1). After "Progress Validating" [Excel Source [1]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection ...
Developed Packages in 32Bit and tryin to run on 64 Bit - Error on aquiring Excel connection manager DFT - The buffer manager detected that the system was low on virtual memory Difference between "Redirect rows to no ...
Azure Subscription Connection Manager Excel Connection Manager File Connection Manager Flat File Connection Manager FTP Connection Manager Hadoop Connection Manager HTTP Connection Manager MSMQ Connection Manager Multiple Files Connection Manager Multiple Flat Files Connection Manager ...
You can create connection managers while the Control Flow, Data Flow, or Event Handlers tab of SSIS Designer is active.The following diagram shows the Connection Managers area on the Control Flow tab of SSIS Designer.32-Bit and 64-Bit Providers for Connection Managers...
When you add an Excel connection manager to a package, Integration Services creates a connection manager that is resolved as an Excel connection at run time, sets the connection manager properties, and adds the connection manager to the Connections collection on the package....