Microsoft Connector for Oracle Microsoft Connector for Teradata Attunity 推出的用于 Oracle 和 Teradata 的 Microsoft Connector SQL Server 导入和导出向导 导入和导出向导的简单示例入门 启动SQL Server 导入和导出向导 使用SQL Server 导入和导出向导连接到数据源 SQL Server 导入和导出向导中的步骤 从Ex...
用于Oracle 的 Microsoft ODBC驱动程序的名称。 Server Oracle 服务器的名称。 “Uid”和“Pwd” 要连接的用户 ID 和密码。 连接字符串格式 以下是典型连接字符串的格式。 输入连接字符串 在“选择数据源”页或“选择目标”页上的“ConnectionString”字段中输入连接字符串,或...
它可以连接多种数据库,包括Oracle数据库。 如果无法从SSIS连接到Oracle数据库,可能是由于以下原因: 驱动程序问题:确保已正确安装适用于Oracle数据库的驱动程序。可以使用ODBC驱动程序或特定的Oracle驱动程序。 连接字符串配置错误:在SSIS中配置连接字符串时,确保提供了正确的主机名、端口号、数据库名称、用户名和密码等...
本文转自: We recently had a few customers where a connection to Oracle on a 64 bit machine was necessary. A quick search on the internet showed that this could be a big problem. I...
出现这个提示的原因是没有安装oracle客户端,SSIS连接Oracle数据源必须要安装客户端才能连接成功。 二、服务器名错误 错误提示:由于在初始化提供程序时出错,导致连接测试失败。ORA-12504: TNS: 监听程序在 CONNECT_DATA 中未获得 SERVICE_NAME 解决方法:服务器名要与安装文件中tnsnames.ora中的自定义命名一致,例如:我...
Hi, I want to connect oracle database using script task. I have used for connection manager. I tried different ways but didn't work.SQL Server Integration Services SQL Server Integration Services A Microsoft platform for building enterprise-level data integration and data transformations...
Microsoft Connectors for Oracle and Teradata by Attunity SQL Server Import and Export Wizard Get started with this simple example of the Import and Export Wizard Start the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard Connect to Data Sources with the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard ...
OnError,DOMAINNAME,DOMAINNAME\USERNAME,FTP Task,{C73DE41C-D0A6-450A-BB94-DF6D913797A1},{2F0AF5AF-2FFD-4928-88EE-1B58EB431D74},4/28/2006 1:51:59 PM,4/28/2006 1:51:59 PM,-1073573489,0x,Unable to connect to FTP server using "FTP Connection Manager". ...
OnError,DOMAINNAME,DOMAINNAME\USERNAME,FTP Task,{C73DE41C-D0A6-450A-BB94-DF6D913797A1},{2F0AF5AF-2FFD-4928-88EE-1B58EB431D74},4/28/2006 1:51:59 PM,4/28/2006 1:51:59 PM,-1073573489,0x,Unable to connect to FTP server using "FTP Connection Manager". ...
Microsoft Connectors for Oracle and Teradata by Attunity SQL Server Import and Export Wizard Get started with this simple example of the Import and Export Wizard Start the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard Connect to Data Sources with the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard ...