Supplemental security income (SSI) is NOT taxable.0 Votes Advisor: Tax Advisors, Tax Planning Jan 22, 2011 SSI benefits are NOT taxable. The IRS Publication 907 states:“Supplemental security income (SSI) payments - Social security benefits do not include SSI payments, which are not taxable...
(SSI) or Title XVI, is a United States federal government income supplement program that is “funded by tax revenues notsocial securitytaxes – it is designed to help aged, blind, and disabled people, who have little or no income; and it provides cash to meet basic needs for food, ...
To be eligible for a Social Security benefit, the worker must earn sufficient credits based on taxable work to be “insured” for Social Security purposes. The amount of the monthly disability benefit is based on the Social Security earnings record of the insured worker. What is an initial cla...